(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

SR Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

Publication of David Irving’s Goebbels by Lyle Stuart’s Barricade Press set for August, according to the 10 February issue of Publisher’s Weekly, bible of the book industry. Despite Stuart’s record of publishing outre books (such as Dr. William Pierce’s sanguinary Turner Diaries), we’ll believe it when we see it. Latest from the Northwestern front: a…

Amnesty International Tells CODOH that Revisionists Deserve Prison

Few things have been more disappointing to libertarian-minded revisionists than the persistent silence of free-speech organizations in the face of the worldwide persecution of Holocaust revisionists for their historical opinions. The same groups which have made a cause celebre out of every small-town effort to refuse to carry the latest New York celebration of adolescent…

Internet Roundup

In another testament to their loss in the intellectual battle against revisionism, the German government has turned to denial of basic human rights. The government in Bonn has approved legislation designed to curtail freedom of speech on the Internet. This latest attack on the freedom of Germans is known as the “German Multimedia Legislation.” The…

Major Media Turns its Attention to Arthur Butz’s Web Page

The great scandal continues to roil. Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, as well as professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences at Northwestern University, is now able to present his views on the “Holocaust” cheaply and effectively by means of his own page on the university’s Website. Last month the…

SR Bullet-in-Briefs

The previous issue of SR reported on the current legal ordeals of Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zuendel. There are these further developments: In Paris, the justices of France's Supreme Court of Appeals have responded to Professor Faurisson's petition that they consider whether the Loi Gayssot, which decrees that challenging the factuality of the “Holocaust” is…

Carlos Porter, Sentenced in Germany, Says “Nuts” from Belgium

Carlos Whitlock Porter, an American who has analyzed the charges, evidence and testimony in the post-WWII trials of the Germans and Japanese, was convicted in absentia by a Munich court late last year of sending his book, Not Guilty at Nuremberg, into Germany. In a letter to the court dripping with the scorn and defiance…

Internet Roundup: Supreme Court to Decide Constitutionality of Clinton’s Censorship Bill

Since the inception of CODOHWeb we have documented attempts from around the world to censor revisionism on the Internet. In December 1995 we established a “page” entitled “The Censorship File” which concentrates specifically on the various attempts by governments and Zionist organizations to curtail freedom of speech on the Internet. One of the worst attacks…

Revisionist Focus: Verlag der Freunde

In last issue’s “Revisionism Rampant ‘round the Globe,” which we aim to make a periodical update on what revisionist individuals and groups are accomplishing and enduring worldwide, we stated that the Verlag der Freunde, a Berlin-based outfit, published Nazi materials, including an SS song book. On December 11, we received a letter from Andreas Roehler,…

Internet Round Up

The Internet and the World Wide Web in particular have become the greatest open forum for the free exchange of ideas in the history of man. The ability to instantly “publish” ideas and opinions on just about any topic has appealed to the sensibilities of millions worldwide. Today, virtually anything and everything can be found…

Revisionism Rampant ‘round the Globe

David Irving has threatened to sue Australian Prime Minister John Howard for calling him a “crackpot historian” and a criminal (due to his arrests for revisionism) on November 8th. Irving was denied a visa by Australian authorities a few days before. … The Adelaide Institute (P.O. Box 3300, Norwood, 5067 Australia) reports that two leading…

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