
On organizations dealing with the Holocaust; their history, mission, activities, and events, both revisionist and exterminationist.

State Department Acknowledges Pressure on Lebanon to Cancel Revisionist Meeting

The State Department has finally acknowledged that the United States government pressured Lebanon to ban a peaceful four-day meeting that was to be held in Beirut in the spring of 2001. Gregg Sullivan, a spokesman for the Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, confirmed during telephone conversations with IHR director Mark Weber on December 10…

The 14th IHR Conference: Confident Spirit Marks Successful Meeting

Phillip Tourney Tony Martin autographs a book for an admirer. Conference MC Greg Raven holds up two books by Tony Martin. Mark Weber makes a point during his keynote address. Tom Sunic Joseph Sobran Jürgen Graf speaks with Robert Faurisson during a break, as Fredrick Toben and others look on. Michele Renouf and Joe Sobran…

‘Real History’ in Cincinnati

With a robust attendance and informative, stimulating addresses, David Irving’s third annual “Real History” conference was a roaring success. About 150 persons, most of them from the eastern and central United States, and a few from as far away as Australia, met over Labor Day weekend – Friday, August 31, through Monday, September 3 –…

Trieste Meeting: “Revisionism and Dignity'

In Europe, revisionists met in Trieste under the auspices of the Nuovo Ordine Nazionale last October 6–7. Civilized Italy has lagged behind northern Europe in making it a crime to doubt the prescribed (and imposed) history, and speakers from four different continents were on hand to question and discuss questions ranging from Mussolini’s unsuccessful diplomacy…

No to Censorship! No to Bigotry!

April 10, 2001 To:Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said)Mahmoud DarwishMohammed HarbiElias KhouryGerard KhourySalah StetieMohamad BeradaJamel Eddine Ben SheikhEdward W. SaidDominique EddeFayez MallasFarouk Mardam-BeyKhalida SaidElias Sanbar Recently you issued a public statement calling on authorities in Lebanon to ban the “Revisionism and Zionism” conference in Beirut, scheduled for March 31 through April 3, which our Institute had been…

World Revisionist Conference Banned in Lebanon under Jewish Pressure

Whoever doubted the social-political importance of Holocaust revisionism could doubt it no more following the success of frantic efforts this March by Jewish groups, supported by the U.S. government, to ban a peaceful, privately organized revisionist meeting in Lebanon. Caving in to pressure from the State Department and powerful Zionist organizations, the Lebanese government banned…

The Thought Heard ’Round the World

Greg Raven maintains the IHR's Web site at Even though seven years have elapsed since the Internet burst into prominence in 1994 due to the addition of the “World Wide Web” (often abbreviated “WWW”) to electronic mail (“e-mail”), file transfer, and other existing features, it is difficult to know whether this is the wave…

At the Tolerance Museum

MacKenzie Paine battles intolerance disguised as tolerance from a dusty hilltop in Mexico. Teaching tolerance through “Holocaust education” in the public schools is now the law in cities, counties, and states across America. As revisionists are well aware, the standard account of the Jewish Holocaust taught in such courses is more than dubious. So too…

Interest Mounts for ‘Revisionism and Zionism’ Conference

Preparations are continuing according to plan for the landmark international conference on “Revisionism and Zionism” in Beirut, Lebanon, March 31-April 3, 2001. The event’s importance is reflected in the eager inquiries from journalists in several countries, in the steady stream of guest registrations, and in the anxious denunciations recently issued by leading Jewish-Zionist groups. The…

Germar Rudolf Joins Journal Advisory Committee

We are pleased to welcome Germar Rudolf, a leading revisionist writer and activist, as a member of this Journal’s Editorial Advisory Committee. He is perhaps best known as the author of The Rudolf Report, a detailed 1993 forensic study based on an on-site investigation, chemical analysis of samples and meticulous research, which concludes that the…

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