
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

Shtetl’s Romaniuk Visits Greenpoint

In Greenpoint, N.Y., on June 7, 1996, Zbigniew Romaniuk was the main speaker in a forum addressing issues raised by the PBS production of Shtetl. Very interesting facts were brought to light about the production. Within the discussion there was also presented an historical overview of Jewish anti-Polonism, but that topic is beyond the scope…

Teaching The Horror

A fifth-grader at Tamarac Elementary School in Holbrook, L.I., spied the french fries on the plate of her friend and asked if she could have some. Before her friend could reply, a male classmate snorted: “Sure she eats off other's plates, her name is Pig.” The girl, Nancy Pigawic, turned ashen and began to cry….

The Holocaust Controversy

The Contemporary Issue No subject enrages campus Thought Police more than Holocaust Revisionism. We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust story an exception. Elitist dogma manipulated by special interest groups corrupts everything in academia. Students should be encouraged to…

Phil Donahue Show

Your browser does not support the video tag. The Phil Donahue Show of March 14, 1994, featuring Bradley Smith, David Cole and Michael Shermer(with comments by Mike Smith aka DenierBud)

The Bright Shinning Lie

STAFF WRITER A Holocaust denier who insists he is merely pursuing intellectual freedom found himself suddenly confronted by a Holocaust survivor in the audience of the Phil Donahue show last month. It happened as Bradley Smith was telling Donahue and his national television audience that it was a “lie that Germans cooked Jews to make…

A Victory for the Revisionists?

The cover of the June 27-July 3 edition of L'Evénement du jeudi includes a picture of Abbe Pierre and has as its headline: “The Holocaust: a victory for the Revisionists.” Inside the journal some 10 pages are devoted to this story [p. 16-25]; as well, there are references to it appearing on pages 3, 5,…

List of Colleges Where CODOH Ads Have Run (1991-1995)

1991 The Holocaust Story: How Much is False: The Case for Open Debate. Northwestern University. 1991 – 1992 The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate University of Michigan Duke University Cornell University Northern Illinois University (DeKalb) Rutgers University Ohio State University Vanderbilt University Community College of Philadelphia Washington University (St. Louis) Howard University (W.D.C.)…

Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus

After years of stonewalling, both the New York Times (December 21, 1991) and the Washington Post (January 15, 1992) now editorially acknowledge that it is both ethical and permissible to debate the historical issues surrounding the Holocaust story. The nation's two premier newspapers thus reject statements by officials of major Jewish organizations and of many…

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