
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

Codoh is running an ad in The Mirror Newspaper at the University of Northern Colorado

The online edition of The Mirror at the University of Northern Colorado is running our rotating ad that appears all over their site. The ad reads: “INCONVENIENT HISTORY: The Power of Taboo”. When the reader clicks on the ad she is taken to the Homepage of Inconvenient History, and through that page to everything on…

Holocaust Revisionist Strikes Again

Bradley R Smith, the Holocaust revisionist famous for spouting his views through advertisements in college newspapers, is making waves at Hofstra University. The full-time gadfly has submitted a 24-page booklet portraying death camps as far-fetched sob stories to college newspapers across the country. While Liz Johnson, editor in chief of The Review, refused to publish…


Friend: The Campus Project has had a fine fall season. There was a strong, ongoing story at Hofstra U that pulled in national media. The Boise State Arbiter was not far behind. The second issue of The Revisionist is hot off the press, has a new wrap on front and back covers, and a content…

Campus Project

U Massachusetts Molly Sherman, advertising director at the Daily Collegian at U Massachusetts (Amherst) accepted our Holocaust Studies ad. When editorial saw the text, it was decided it would be a good idea to run it past the faculty advisor. The editor rang me up and we chatted for a few minutes. He volunteered his…

Giving Interviews

I’ve mentioned this story before, but it puts other matters in perspective to mention it again here. About five years ago I was sitting at the computer in my garage in Visalia when the phone rang. It was Mike Wallace. He wanted to interview me for 60 Minutes. I suppose a booking agent had called…

Holocaust Studies

Let’s agree that one ideal of the university is to promote intellectual freedom, and one ideal of the professorial class is to teach students to honor it Yet this is not true in Holocaust Studies. There, if students express doubt about “eyewitness” testimony, for example, even if it is demonstrably false, dishonorable or both, they…


Friend: The Campus Project kicked off good in October. Smith’s Report has a facelift. We have a new bi-monthly publication, The Revisionist—which you should have received a couple weeks ago. TR has been distributed via the student newspaper at Hofstra University in Hempsted, New York (see story below). And the stats for CODOHWeb demonstrate that…

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