

Our Savaged “Living” Constitution

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, author and lecturer. He is a former senior editor of National Review, and currently Washington, DC, correspondent for The Wanderer and the Rothbard-Rockwell Report. This essay first appeared in Capitol Hill Voice, Jan.-Feb. 1994. Most Americans are taught, and assume, that we still live under the Constitution of the…

Overcoming Germany’s Burdensome Past: The Heritage of Europe’s “Revolutionary Conservative Movement”

Following the aftermath of the cataclysmic defeat of Germany and her Axis partners in the Second World War, exhausted Europe came under the hegemony of the victorious Allied powers – above all the United States and Soviet Russia. Understandably, the social-political systems of the vanquished regimes – and especially that of Hitler's Third Reich –…

Revilo P. Oliver: 1910-1994

Prof. Revilo Oliver – outstanding scholar, brilliant political commentator and good friend of the Institute for Historical Review – died August 10,1994, at his home in Urbana, Illinois. He was 84. He is survived by Grace, his wife of more than 50 years. Revilo Pendleton Oliver (his first name was his family name spelled backwards)…

Classic Critique of “The Revolution That Was” Traces America’s Road from Republic to Empire and Explores Legacy of the Roosevelt New Deal Revolution

Burden of Empire, by Garet Garrett. Introduction by Theodore J. O'Keefe. Newport Beach, Calif.: Noontide Press, 1993. Softcover. 178 pages. ISBN: 0-939482-42-8. (Available through the IHR for $9.50, plus $2 shipping) [check for current availability and price; ed.]. Andrew Clarke is the pen name of a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Born…

Editorial Note

The last twelve months have been among the busiest ever at the IHR, with a staggering number of projects either completed or underway. A major project now in the “completed” column is the 12th Revisionist Conference, which took place over Labor Day weekend (September 3-5) here in southern California. Conferences are a major undertaking for…

A Non-Polemical Look at Wartime Germany’s Atomic Bomb Program

Heisenberg”s War: The Secret History of the German Bomb, by Thomas Powers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Hardcover. 608 pages. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $27.50. ISBN 0-394-51411-4. Andrew Gray Andrew Gray, a writer and translator, is former office director in the US Department of Commerce. He lives in Washington, DC~ “In the years since Hiroshima,”…

A Pervasive Fear

From time to time the press reports on polls measuring “anti-Semitism” in America, or recites numbers of “anti-Semitic incidents” (as defined and counted by Jewish organizations). In truth there is little active hostility to Jews in America, which is as it should be. But there is also very little public criticism of Jewish politics, which…

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