

Revisionism on the Advance in Estonia

0. Introduction During the conference on “Globalism” held at Moscow in January 2002, where I reported about the most recent finding of revisionism on the alleged Treblinka extermination camp, I got to know two young Estonians, who to my pleasant surprise had brought with them an Estonian edition of my first revisionist work Der Holocaust…

The Openings for the Introduction of Zyklon B, Part 1

1. Transformations of Crematorium I (1944 – 1947) During a visit to Auschwitz on July 16, 1944, SS-Obergruppenführer Pohl approved the “Installation of a gas-tight surgery and fragment-proof shelter in the former crematorium for the garrison surgeon”,[1] which became work-site BW 98M. On August 26, 1944, SS Obersturmführer Heinrich Josten who held the post of…

The Openings for the Introduction of Zyklon B, Part 2

1. Analysis of a Forensic Investigation 1.1. Introduction In the spring of 2004, Daniel Keren, Jamie McCarthy, and Harry W. Mazal published, as part of the Holocaust History Project, an article entitled “The Ruins of the Gas Chambers: A Forensic Investigation of Crematoriums at Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau.”[1] In that study, the authors deal with…

England’s Keele University Spreads Holocaust Propaganda

Picture as published by Spiegel magazine.[1] Below: section enlargement with explanatory captions. I think it was in the late nineties that a small news item in England mentioned that millions of air photos of WWII taken by the Royal British Air Force (and perhaps even some photos by the German Luftwaffe confiscated after the war…

“No Holes, No Gas Chamber(s)”

When American expert for execution techniques Fredrick A. Leuchter presented his famous expert report on the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Majdanek to a Canadian court in 1988, he initially caused confusion: in his technical drawings of the morgues no. 1 of the crematoria II and III of Auschwitz-Birkenau, which allegedly served as “gas chambers,”…

The Courage of a Secure Retiree

Werner Maser, Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog, Munich 2004, cloth, 478 pp., €34.– The End of Clichés Did Hitler have Jewish ancestors? Was he a homosexual? Was he a carpet-biting psychopath? Was he an untalented postcard-painter during his youth? Or was he even a lazy good-for-nothing? Or perhaps he suffered under…

The Elusive Holes of Death

On August 28, 2002, Sven Felix Kellerhoff of the German daily newspaper Die Welt expressed his anger about the semi-revisionist theories of Fritjof Meyer, a leading editor of Germany’s largest news magazines Der Spiegel. In 2002, Meyer had published an article, in which he reduced the death toll of Auschwitz down to half a million…

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