

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers

In 2017, a German publishing company asked me to contribute a thorough introduction to a reprint edition of Jean-Claude Pressac’s 1989 book of the same title. Unfortunately, this German publisher went out of business in late 2018, so no such reprint ever appeared. My introduction is still valuable, though; hence I published it in January…


This issue contains five papers and one review by John Wear, who has been one of the major contributors to both The Barnes Review and increasingly also to Inconvenient History. If you subscribe to the former, you may notice that some articles are featured in both periodicals. While The Barnes Review is a subscription-based print…

The Einsatzgruppen

Editor’s Remark Einsatzgruppen was the name of German task-force groups of the Second World War operating in the temporarily occupied areas of the Soviet Union. Their task was to analyze and organize civilian life in these territories, fight partisans, and, if we are to believe the orthodox narrative, systematically murder all the Jews they could…

Revisionism Going Viral

In early 2016, the Kindle version of a book by two New Zealand authors – James and Lance Morcan – was launched which claimed to refute revisionist theories on the Holocaust. Italian revisionist scholar Carlo Mattogno promptly debunked this primitive “refutation” with a scathing book-length critique, which Castle Hill was happy to publish.[1] By pure…

3rd Edition of The First Holocaust

Don Heddesheimer’s bestselling book The First Holocaust was issued in July 2018 in its 3rd edition, now bearing the more-pertinent subtitle The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure. It includes a vastly improved, extended preface, which is based on the transcript of Germar Rudolf’s documentary of the same title. Read, download, buy or watch this…

The Gruesome Secret of Hamelin

In order that the reader may ascertain whether Bad Nenndorf, as described in the previous article, is a unique exception to British occupation policy in post-war Germany, articles from the German weekly newspaper Deutschen Wochenzeitung are reprinted in translation below.[1] They also show that, for the past 30 years, anyone who wished to inform himself…

Holocaust Skepticism

Back in 2001, German mainstream organizations were raising funds for a huge Holocaust Memorial to be erected in Berlin. They kicked off their fund-raiser campaign with huge billboards plastered all over Germany stating in large letters: “The Holocaust never happened” – and then in small print underneath, unreadably small for people driving by: “There are…

An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account

Carlo Mattogno, Myklós Nyiszli, An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2018, 474 pages, 6”×9” paperback, b&w illustrated, bibliography, index, ISBN 978-1-59148-193-5. Online at holocausthandbooks.com/book/an-auschwitz-doctors-eyewitness-account/ The tall tales told by the Jewish-Hungarian physician Miklós Nyiszli about his alleged experiences during the war while in…

Auschwitz: A Three‐Quarter Century of Propaganda

Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda. Origins, Development and Decline of the “Gas Chamber” Propaganda Lie, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2018, 116 pages, 5”×8” paperback, b&w illustrated, bibliography, index, ISBN 978-1-59148-152-2. Online at https://codoh.com/library/document/auschwitz-a-three-quarter-century-of-propaganda/; the entire book is included in Number 3 of this volume. On occasion of the 60the anniversary of the…

Zyklon B – a Supplement

Zyklon B is the term of horror that symbolically summarizes all the atrocities reported about the National Socialist era. For the majority of people today, Zyklon B is the epitome of industrial mass murder. However, this will not be discussed here. Rather, after a brief description of the history of its creation and regular use,…

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