Vol. 3 (1982)

The Journal of Historical Review - covers

Volume Three · Numbers 1 through 4 · 1982

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal. To see the table of contents of this volume’s issues, click on the respective issue number in the subcategory list below.

Vol. 3 (1982)

The Faurisson Affair – II

Mémoire en Défense, by Robert Faurisson, 275 pp, Preface by Noam. Chomsky, La Vieille Taupe; B.P. 9805; 75224 Paris Cedex 05, 1980,FF65. Intolerable Intolerance, by Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit, Eric Delcroix, Claude Karnoouh, Vincent Monteff, and Jean-Louis Tristani, 206 pp, Editions de la Différence, Paris, 1981, FF42. This review of the two cited books is a continuation…

Facts, Allegations, and Judicial Notice

Submitted to the California Superior Court in the case Mermelstein vs. IHR et al. Introduction The defendants in the above-entitled cause respectfully submit the following Points and Authorities, and the appended Declaration of Mark Edward Weber, in opposition to the Plaintiff’s Request that Court take Judicial Notice of the fact that Jews were gassed at…


MORE ON THE ROMANIAN JEWS In the last (Fall 1982) Journal of Historical Review, we ran in these columns a correspondence which attempted to clarify the losses of Romanian Jews during the war. We failed to include in that correspondence a final letter/circular by Dr. Andronescu without which the research data would appear to be…

Context and Perspective in the “Holocaust” Controversy

Deutsch | FrançaisPresented at the IHR's 1982 Revisionist Conference Introduction When in the discussion of some subject we criticize somebody because “he can't see the forest for the trees,” we refer to a special sort of intellectual failing. We do not mean that the object of our criticism is incompetent or that his views on…

Revisionism and the Promotion of Peace

During the last forty years or so, Revisionism has become a fighting term. To so-called Revisionists, it implies an honest search for historical truth and the discrediting of misleading myths that are a barrier to peace and goodwill among nations. In the minds of anti-Revisionists, the term savors of malice, vindictiveness, and an unholy desire…

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