Title page TR 1/2003

Volume 1 · 2003

Between early 2003 and early 2005, The Revisionist was edited and published by Germar Rudolf. He was working on the second issue of the year 2005 when he was arrested by the U.S. authorities and subsequently deport to Germany (see his website for more info). Hence this magazine suddenly ceased to exist.

Click on the individual issue number for a list of that number’s articles.


The Israeli Masada Myth Exposed

Nachman Ben-Yehuda, The Masada Myth. Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1995, 401 pp., paperback, $24.95 Hebrew University Professor Nachman Ben-Yehuda of the Sociology Department dropped a cultural-historiographical bombshell on the Jewish State of Israel when he wrote (p. 3): “How does one develop a sociological interpretation for an important…

Polish Population Losses during World War Two

The following claims are continually put forth by Polish personalities: "Six million Poles lost their lives during the Second World War, a fifth of the entire population"; or "Three million Christian Poles […] were victims of the Nazi terror." This article shows that statements of this sort are not compatible with the easily accessible population…

Letters to the Editor

About R. Countess, “Why the USA Wages War in the Gulf Region,” TR 1(1) (2003), pp. 109-111. To the Editor: Dr. Countess is to be congratulated for writing a fine review of this book, and for bringing to your readership’s attention the role played by ‘Oil Concerns’ in bringing the US into the Gulf War…

All Men Are Equal-But Are They Really?

In 1994, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray published their highly controversial book, The Bell Curve, in which they claimed that the American Black population has a lower average intelligence quotient than the American White population, and genetic differences between the two groups are to a large extent responsible for this. Of course, this raised a…

The “Discovery” of “Bunker 1” at Birkenau: Swindles, Old and New

Seven buildings in the infamous Auschwitz concentration camps are claimed to have been equipped with one or more homicidal gas chambers. Five of those buildings were the former Auschwitz crematoria. One smaller crematorium was located in the Auschwitz main camp, and four big crematoria were erected in the huge sub-camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Since the end of…

Swing Dancing “Verboten”

Knud Wolffram, Tanzdielen und Vergnügungspaläste: Berliner Nachtleben in den dreißiger und vierziger Jahren; von der Friedrichstraße bis Berlin W, vom Moka Efti bis zum Delphi, Reihe deutsche Vergangenheit, Vol. 78: “Stätten der Geschichte Berlins”, Edition Hentrich, Berlin 1992, pp. 214-216, ISBN 3-89468-0-47-4. Fifty years after the end of the Second World War, the fabrication of…

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