No. 209 (October)

On the Holocaust Controversy

No. 209 · · October 2014

Serving the Revisionist Community from 1990 until 2016

  • The Case of Gregory Chelli, by Robert Faurisson
  • News and Notes, by Bradley R. Smith
  • John Stuart Mill Calls For Open Debate on The Holocaust, by Michael K. Smith
  • What Is It With That Nazi Euthanasia?, by Jett Rucker
  • British Publisher Simon Sheppard Arrested…, by Bradley R. Smith

If any single contributions of this issue are available as html documents, they will be listed below.

You can also download the entire issue as a PDF file here.

John Stuart Mill Calls For Open Debate on The Holocaust

Thanks to the miracle of digital time travel, Legalienate’s editors were able to interview the 19th-century liberal John Stuart Mill on the urgent matter of the suppression of free speech in the modern Holocaust debate. Readers of Mill’s “On Liberty,” which made him famous as a defender of human rights, will recognize what he has…

News and Notes

*** Der Spiegel is one of Europe’s most influential magazines. It’s commonly held that its influence is based on the moral authority established by the quality of its investigative journalism. Der Spiegel employs the equivalent of 80 full-time fact checkers, which the Columbia Journalism Review calls “most likely the world’s largest fact checking operation.” To…

British Publisher Simon Sheppard Arrested, His House Searched, His Computers Seized, but He Beats the Rap

This past June the Adelaide Institute reported that British revisionist publisher Simon Sheppard, of North Yorkshire, was woken up by police threatening to break down the door of his house unless he opened it immediately. They refused to allow him to put on some clothes first. Once inside they arrested him on “suspicion of distributing…

The Case of Gregory Chelli (alias Ulcan, alias ViolVocal)

Residing, it seems, at times in his native Paris, at other times somewhere in Romania and sometimes in Israel, precisely at Ashdod, right beside the Gaza Strip, the thirty-year-old French-Israeli Gregory Chelli, member of the Jewish Defense League, works, notably by means of the Internet, at making the life of men and women whom he…

INCONVENIENT HISTORY, Volume 6, Number 3 – Fall 2014: It’s Here!

Did covert machinations of the Great War betray the Arabs and result in a permanent conflict of civilizations? Contents Revisionism as Creative Destruction, by Jett Rucker Roots of Present World Conflict: Zionist Machinations and Western Duplicity during World War I, by K.R. Bolton The Rise and Fall of Historical Revisionism following World War I, by…

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