


In the newsletter business it’s not always good news. If it were, it wouldn’t be a newsletter, it would be something else, a personal puff sheet, a glad rag of some sort. We’re winning the war, as they say—and I’m perfectly confident of that—but along the way I get beaten here, I get beaten there….

A Controversy with Legs

The Irving/Goebbels/St. Martin's affair just won't die. Two months after Thomas McCormack, CEO of St. Martin's Press, announced that his company would nothonor its contract and publish David Irving's massive, exhaustively researched biography of Hitler's propaganda chief (see SR #31), this signal episode in America's lengthy postwar history of de facto censorship of revisionist scholars…

Spiegelmice at Berkeley

“…faculty members at the University of California at Berkeley have sent incoming freshmen a list of 10 suggested books they might dip into this summer. “The Eclectic list—defended by organizers as an attempt to get students to think as they enter the world of serious scholarship—was assailed as manipulation to enforce political correctness and extremist…

New French Publication

L'autre histoire is a professionally produced periodical which treats with a number of revisionist issues. It’s edited by Tristan Mordrel. I don’t read French, but I’m going to take a chance on this one and suggest that if you read French you should send Mordrel $5 and ask for a sample issue. He apparently produces…

With Regard to Your Article “Don't Even Think It”

Dear Mr. Stang: I applaud your article, “Don't Even Think It.” This is one of the few commentaries I have read which defends the rights of Holocaust revisionists generally and David Irving and Germar Rudolf specifically. To be upfront, I am a Holocaust revisionist. I have met both Mr. Rudolf and Mr. Irving personally. For…

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