Post WWII Revisionism

Events and developments in the post-WWII period following the end of hostilities. This section does not include 9/11 revisionism (re. the alleged Arab attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001), which has its own entry under “About Revisionism and Historiography in General” > “US History” > “Sept. 11”

Jews Discredit Allied War-Crimes Trials

The International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg, the 12 secondary Nuremberg trials (NMT) and numerous other trials are repeatedly cited as proof of the Holocaust story. This article documents some of the Jewish attorneys, investigators and witnesses whose words and actions prove that the Allied-run war-crimes trials were politically motivated proceedings which failed to produce credible evidence of the so-called Holocaust.

Myles Power Responds to Fred Leuchter (28:58 min)

Myles Power Responds to Fred Leuchter. Who? Myles Power. Who's that? Myles Power is a individual who is a supporter of the "holocau$t" atrocity lie. He says that he is a "Chemist", perhaps BSc level. Here he claims that Fred Leuchter is a fraud, liar, unqualified, knows nothing about "chemistry", was dishonest about the samples taken from…

David Irving the Nuremberg Trials and More (1:47:25)

David Irving the Nuremberg Trials and More. In this (one hour and 47 minute) video, the outstanding author and brilliant researcher, David Irving makes a speech about the Nuremberg "Trials". After a short introduction by Paul Fromm, David is greeted by raptous applause. David explains that he speaks to large audiences worldwide, and his speaking…

Was Robert Oppenheimer a Soviet Agent?

Julius Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific head of the U.S. atomic-bomb project during World War II. Oppenheimer was a brilliant physicist whose contributions were essential for the successful development of the atomic bomb. Despite his outstanding performance in the Manhattan Project, Robert Oppenheimer’s reputation has been tainted by allegations that he knowingly passed secrets of the atomic bomb to Soviet agents. This article discusses the possible truth of these allegations.

Rapine: German Women at the Mercy of their Conquerors during and after World War II

War-related rape is a phenomenon that has existed everywhere throughout human history. Probably the worst example of war-related rape occurred against German women during and after World War II. Red Army soldiers, American GIs, British, French, Belgians, Poles, Czechs and Serbs all took advantage of the conquest of Germany to plunder and then to rape German women.This article recounts some of the horrific crimes committed against German women by Allied soldiers during and after World War II.

The Looting of Germany after World War II

The devastation of Germany by total warfare during World War II cast serious doubt on Germany’s postwar ability to survive. Never before in history had a nation’s life-sustaining resources been so thoroughly demolished. Despite soothing words from Allied leaders at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, it soon became evident that the Allies did not arrive as liberators. Instead, the Allies arrived as vengeful, greedy conquerors. This article documents the plundering and destruction of Germany that continued after the end of World War II.

Ernst von Weizsäcker:  Last Victim of Germany’s Vengeful Conquerors

German State Secretary Ernst von Weizsäcker worked tirelessly for peace and had never wanted Germany to enter into World War II. Weizsäcker fell out of favor with Adolf Hitler toward the end of the war, and might have been executed if he had not been in Allied-occupied Rome. Treacherously, he was charged and convicted as a war criminal by the Allies after the war.

Accounts of the American and French POW Camps after World War II

The Western Allies deliberately murdered large numbers of disarmed German prisoners of war (POWs) after World War II by means of starvation, exposure and withholding water. This Allied atrocity was first publicly exposed in 1989 in the book Other Losses by James Bacque. Bacque estimated that the victims undoubtedly number over 790,000, almost certainly over…

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