Crimes and Propaganda

Wartime crime did not come to an end just because Japan and Germany had surrendered. Quite to the contrary, one could even argue that the devil’s party only really got started in the aftermath of the Allied victory. Here are contributions dealing with those post-war crimes related to WWII.

Polish Population Losses during World War Two

The following claims are continually put forth by Polish personalities: "Six million Poles lost their lives during the Second World War, a fifth of the entire population"; or "Three million Christian Poles […] were victims of the Nazi terror." This article shows that statements of this sort are not compatible with the easily accessible population…

The First Holocaust

Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we known about this six-million figure? The most frequent answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World…

The Forgery of a Forgery

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”—Winston Churchill My name is Joseph P. Bellinger, and I was the first researcher to uncover convincing documentary evidence that SS Chief Heinrich Himmler was assassinated by British agents in May, 1945, along with the clumsy attempts by individuals involved in his demise to…

Our War Films Come Back To Haunt Us

It is discomforting, if not embarrassing, when watching films Hollywood made about W.W. II, to note the parallel between ourselves and the Germans; especially regarding occupation. There are those who will say we bear no resemblance, that we stand for liberty and freedom, but it is we of course who say this, just as the…

Rudolf Hoess: The Legal Implications of his Forced Confession

Background: Rudolf Höss, Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 – 1943 was captured by the British on March 13, 1946. Affadavits written and signed in English were forced from Höss on several occasions. Although in regard to the charges of “crimes against humanity” Höss was arguably the most important prisoner, his role at Nuremberg was not…

A Hidden Holocaust – Revealed: Crimes and Mercies, by James Bacque

James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950, Little, Brown. Canadian historian James Bacque's new book, “Crimes and Mercies,” is a sequel to his 1989 work “Other Losses”. While the latter focused on the fate of millions of German POWs at the end of the Second World War, more…


Translator's note: The following is is a typical example of Nuremberg “evidence”. The “testimony” consists of “written statements” said to have been signed by “eyewitnesses”, but which are simply “quoted” in a “report” written by the Stalinists and read aloud (in excerpt form) by the Soviet prosecutor. The “statements” are not attached to the report,…

Germany must perish!

Comments on Germany must Perish! This book enjoyed brisk sales for a time in 1941, and was reviewed[**] by no less than the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time magazine and the Philadelphia Record. This brought it to the attention of Josef Goebbels, who then distributed a million copies of the screed with German…

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