Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

Jeff Rense & David Cole – Holocaust Revisionist Historian

A short interview (14 minutes) with David Cole on Holocaust Revisinism and the big propaganda apparatus from the true "Believers" and its institutions. David Cole featured on US TV shows with Bradley R Smith, where they exposed the Holocau$t. Since David Cole was a Jew, he was hated by Holocau$t "survivors" who also appeared on these…

Police, Thieves, Enemies and Trolls

A letter published in today’s Guardian speculates on the reasons for the Crown Prosecution Service announcement on Wednesday that a man connected to the murder of PC Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan embassy in 1984 cannot be prosecuted for reasons of national security: • The UK government’s case has always been that the Libyans shot dead PC…

Memorabilia: Nuremberg Trials: Debunking the Nazi War Crimes Convictions

Mark Weber, of the Institute of Historical Review, discusses the problematic nature of the findings of guilt against the Nazis in the post-WWII Nuremberg war crimes trials. Mark goes through the spurious nature of the "trials" described by one US judge as a "high grade lynching party", the so-called "evidence"   

Memorabilia: Norman G. Finkelstein and the Holocaust Industry

American Presidents have long been criticised for being too in thrall to the Jewish lobby. That American Jews influence US foreign policy and that explains America's unwavering support for Israel. So what happens if American Jews fall out of love with Israel? That's what the Jewish American academic Norman Finkelstein claims is happening. He says…

Sean Spicer’s Hitler Comment

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's Hitler comment shows how eager the government is to justify its not so secret war to destabilize Syria. The trouble for Mr. Spicer is that he touched the Third Rail of Western politics, lack of reverence for the Holocaust. In the US, any phrase that includes some version of…

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