Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

A Wise and Tolerant, Prominent Jew

There’s a ray of hopeful light coming today from London’s Telegraph newspaper: an article from columnist Stephen Pollard titled “Why I, Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Think Anti-Semites Should Be Allowed on YouTube.” It’s a voice of reason coming from a quarter from which one would not expect to hear it (and one often hears…

Donald Trump Meets the Holocaust

President Donald Trump takes evident pride in his daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner, a young Jewish man Trump has since recruited into his inner circle of advisors. Trump has promised/threatened to move the US embassy in Israel from the internationally recognized capital city of Tel Aviv to the city…

The Campus Project in 2016: A Quiet Campaign for Free Speech in American Universities

Having a presence in campus has been an ambitious project for us at CODOH. It was certainly our late founder Bradley R. Smith’s main task and objective to promote intellectual freedom and free inquiry in the American university, a place where taboo should not be bigger than ideas, and free inquiry may not be punished…

Are We Revisionists? Or Reformers?

Revisionism, like history on a good day, is a gentle art. Or not. History and the revision thereof can sometimes engage passionate agents from both within the profession (of history) and without (novelists, ethnic activists, the intensely curious). This tempest, notionally, occurs within the ambit of historiography—what happened when, to whom, how, why, at the…

What the Holocaust Establishment Will Never Say about Anne Frank

  David Merlin has a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and economics from the University of California, Berkeley. He also has a Juris Doctor. He is currently writing a book on the “Irving vs. Lipstadt” trial. He is a frequent contributor to the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, Jonas E. Alexis:…

Did Hitler Foresee the New World Order?

Gerard Menuhin is a British-Swiss journalist, writer, novelist, and film producer. He is the son of Jewish parents, the American violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin, who is considered “one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century.” Available at Amazon Menuhin’s mother was a ballet dancer and died in 2003 at the age of 90.[1] He…

Memorabilia:Is it them or Is it Us?

The exploitation of the German monster scam is supported by the great majority of Americans who are Jews, and the great majority of Americans who are not Jews. Oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, we can say that with regard to the Holocaust question Jews and Gentiles act as if we are all "brothers under…

Denying Denial

[ Editor’s Note: The Ernst Zündel trial, where both David Irving and Fred Leuchter were witnesses, is something I had a front row seat on, having known Ingrid and Ernst for a long time now. The Holohoax Lobby went down in flames from that court case, as it got massive publicity. Sure… the Lobby folks…

Denial Ends Up the Year as a Flop

It has been 3 months since the opening, but Denial, David Hare's screenplay about the Irving v. Lipstadt trial, can now be classified as a flop.  Despite the draw of names like Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson, and Timothy Spall, the results for Weekend Number 12, December 16-18, are in and are dismal. The movie-tracking company Box Office…

Google: Money Flows Uphill

It’s definitely the Flap of the Month: a month ago, if you Googled “Did the Holocaust really happen?” you got the usual list of a billion or so hits, with the top (first) position occupied by the Web site of Stormfront, which carries an article claiming that “it” didn’t “happen.” A solid hit as to…

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