War Crime Trials + Prosecutions

“I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time. The concept of ex post facto law is not congenial to the Anglo-American viewpoint on law. Before criminal penalties can be imposed there must be fair warning that the conduct which one undertook was criminal.”—William O. Douglas, LL.D. (Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the U.S., 1939-1975)

We used to have these trials listed under postwar crimes, but since most visitors don't expect them there, hence had a hard time finding it, we moved it up one notch. If you wonder why we put it there in the first place: because the Allied tribunals and all the trials that followed in their wake were a crass violation of international law and thus a crime by definition. Here are papers bringing that message home.

Who Is Hubert Zafke?

Hubert Zafke is the new victim on a series of persecutions that involves Holocaust victims and Holocaust criminals in Germany in the last few years. In what seems a new fashionable way of conducting the “Shoah justice”, it is “conformed” by the new “permission” to seek prosecution, trial and conviction of those who were at…

Ursula Haverbeck Once Again Sentenced to Jail in Germany

JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE "HOLOCAUST" NON-HISTORICAL NARRATIVE, trying to get an accurate picture of the persecution of Ursula Haverbeck is made very difficult by the mainstream media. Ursula Haverbeck  Even Wikipedia is not up to date on Haverbeck in 2016! Deutsche Welle, Germany's state news service, ran a September 2nd article (quickly removed from the "Top Stories"…

What Happened to Reinhold Hanning?

Reinhold Hanning, 94, is a former sergeant and a guard at Auschwitz, who has been tried for 170,000 Counts of Accessory to Murder in Germany. Reinhold Hanning It was not hard to predict what the outcome would be. According to German Law, prosecutors were required to provide evidence that defendants were directly involved in the…

Reinhold Hanning former SS sergeant is Tried in Germany for helping to Kill 170,000

For many years the German State had been criticized for not doing enough to bring to justice those who could be responsible, for what according to true believers of the Holocaust is the death of thousands and thousands of Jews at the hands of German Officials during the Nazi Era in “Concentration Camps”. Reinhold Hanning…

Swindle the Nazis!

Ever since its 1979 founding, the US Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations has sought ways to force immigrants suspected of having participated in dealings of the German National Socialist regime of 1933 – 1945 with Jews and other groups detained in labor and concentration camps during World War II to leave their adopted country…

Happy 90th, Coco… and Hans

Johann Breyer and Heinz Jacob “Coco” Schumann were at Auschwitz together in 1944, although they presumably never met. Coco Schumann was a German, the son of a World War I veteran, and Hans Breyer’s native country of Czechoslovakia had become a German “protectorate” while he was a child. Coco was a member of one of…

The Jerusalem Branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Plans to Unveil Posters in Three German Cities to Trace the Last Surviving Nazi “Death Camp” Guards

NOTE: The current spectacle of a man-hunt for war veterans in their nineties for alleged crimes against humanity (i.e. crimes against Jews), never established but only vaguely outlined by hearsay (see the Demjanjuk case), highlights the disappearance of our value of justice, sucked into the black hole of "the Holocaust", and on into oblivion. A…

Copying Heinz Bartesch’s letter to Peter Black, Senior Historian at USHMM

Peter Black, Senior HistorianUS Holocaust Memorial MuseumWashington D.C.E-mail: [email protected]Tel: 202.479.9728 Dear Professor Black: Below you will find a letter by Heinz Bartesch, the son of Martin Bartesch, who you referred to in the talk you gave at Rhode Island College, as reported in the RIC Anchor of 27 March. Mr. Bartesch questions your facts and…

War Criminals in Israel

Israel collects war criminals. Of course, in the course of its never-ending conflicts with its neighbors, it has produced its own abundant crops of home-grown, even native, war criminals, but here, I wish to concentrate on war criminals, real and supposed, imported from other lands whose crimes even antedate Israel itself—I am interested, in fact,…

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