The International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg, organized by the Americans, but held in unison by all four victorious powers, gave the lynching of the German political elite a pseudo-legal cover. To this day, orthodox scholars laud this high-profile lynch party as a paragon of justice – which tells more about those scholars than about that tribunal.

After the IMT, the Americans conducted a number of further lynch parties in Nuremberg all by themselves (NMT). These were a continuation of the decapitation of Germany started at the IMT, although the other three victorious powers refused to cooperate, as they had their own fish to fry.

The contributions listed here take a critical look into these trials.

“Justice” at Nuremberg

Thomas Dalton has had it with the Jews, so he keeps on dishing it out. His latest book on this topic titled Streicher, Rosenberg, and the Jews was a “quickie” in terms of how fast it was put together, since it is based mainly on the transcripts of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal of 1945/46….

Dokumente zur Endlösung der Judenfrage

Seit Politik und Kriegführung vom “Feldherrn Psychologus” beherrscht werden und alle strategischen Zielsetzungen sich an die Erfordernisse des psychologischen Krieges anpassen mußten, ist auch für die Geschichtsforschung eine veränderte Lage entstanden, in der die herkömmlichen Mittel zur Erforschung eines historischen Sachverhaltes nicht mehr ausreichen und neue angemessene Forschungsweisen entwickelt werden müssen. Seit der “Feldherr Psychologus”…

Ernst Kaltenbrunner: Framed at Nuremberg

Ernst Kaltenbrunner was chief of the Reich Main Office for Security (RSHA) from January 1943 until the end of World War II. In this position, he directed the operations of the Secret State Police (Gestapo), the Criminal Police (Kripo), and the Security Service (SD). Of the German leaders who stood before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in 1945, few inspired more revulsion and contempt than Kaltenbrunner. This article examines the life of Kaltenbrunner, and whether or not the accusations made against him at the IMT are true.

David Irving the Nuremberg Trials and More (1:47:25)

David Irving the Nuremberg Trials and More. In this (one hour and 47 minute) video, the outstanding author and brilliant researcher, David Irving makes a speech about the Nuremberg "Trials". After a short introduction by Paul Fromm, David is greeted by raptous applause. David explains that he speaks to large audiences worldwide, and his speaking…

Ernst von Weizsäcker:  Last Victim of Germany’s Vengeful Conquerors

German State Secretary Ernst von Weizsäcker worked tirelessly for peace and had never wanted Germany to enter into World War II. Weizsäcker fell out of favor with Adolf Hitler toward the end of the war, and might have been executed if he had not been in Allied-occupied Rome. Treacherously, he was charged and convicted as a war criminal by the Allies after the war.

The I. G. Farben Trial

I.G. Farben is the short name of the corporation Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, which can loosely be translated as the Community of Interests of Dye-Making Companies.[1] I.G. Farben was by far the largest German business organization and one of the largest and most profitable corporations in the world at the start of World War II.[2]…

A Blatant Falsification at Nuremberg

The pseudo-judicial proceedings at the Nuremberg Trials have been heavily criticized by many people who were anything but Nazis. For example, in The Papers of Robert A. Taft, Senator Taft wrote the following: "We have fooled ourselves in the belief that we could teach another nation democratic principles by force. Why, we can’t even teach…

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