
Reviews of entire books – brochures, monographs, anthologies.

In the United States a Jewish Professor Takes the Revisionist Path

Why Did the Heavens not Darken? The 'Final Solution' in History, by Arno J. Mayer. New York: Pantheon, 1988, Hb., 492 pages, $27.95, ISBN 0-394-57154-1. In its May 1989 issue, Newsweek described (pp. 64-65) a “storm over a new book” devoted to “the extermination of the Jews” during the Second World War. The book is…

Göring: A Biography

Göring: A Biography, by David Irving. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1989, 573 pages, hardbound, $22.95, ISBN 0488-06606-2. David Irving is a British, non-academic historian, who has published many books in English and German on German historical developments in the 20th century. All his books have been based on exhaustive research. He is also…

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World. Edited by Michael Curtis. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1986, 333 pp., $42.50. ISBN 0-81330157-2. In November 1983, a conference … “Antisemitism in the Contemporary World” … was held at Rutgers University. This book, a collection of papers which were presented by renowned scholars attending the conference, deals with what its…

Israel’s Sacred Terrorism

Israel's Sacred Terrorism, by Livia Rokach Belmont Mass: AAUG Press, 1986, third ed. Paperback, 63 pages, $6, ISBN 0-937694-70-3. BLAMING THE VICTIMS, Edward Said and Christopher Hitchins, eds. London: Verso/New Left Books, 1988. Paperback, 296 pages, $15, ISBN 046091487 4. “Terrorism … terrorists.” Most people who read the ugly words in the newspapers probably take…

Why Did the Heavens not Darken?

Why Did the Heavens not Darken? The 'Final Solution' in History, by Arno J. Mayer. New York: Pantheon, 1988, Hb., 492 pages, $27.95, ISBN 0-394-57154-1. In May of this year the general public learned, through an article by Tamar Jacoby in Newsweek, of the “venom of the accusations” being made over Professor Arno Mayer's new…

Fire Signal: The Reich “Crystal Night”

A half century ago, on the night of 9-10 November 1938, destructive riots against Jews, their stores and synagogues broke out in many German cities. The windows of many Jewish stores were broken and as a result this night is often designated ironically as “Reichskristallnacht” (National Crystal Night), referring to the glittering broken glass. The…

The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century

The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century, by Phillip Knightley. New York: Penguin Books edition, 1988; xii, 436 pp., photographs and index, $7.95, ISBN 0-14-010655-3. People over-impressed by spies and espionage are fond of quoting the observation attributed to Napoleon that a spy “in the right place” is worth 20,000 soldiers…

Keeper of Concentration Camps

Keeper of Concentration Camps: Dillon S. Meyer and American Racism, by Richard Drinnon. Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1987, 339 pp., $24.95. ISBN 0-520-05793-7. With the exception of the few months in which Milton Eisenhower ran the program, Dillon S. Meyer, a typical New Deal bureaucrat, was the chief administrator of the WRA, the “War…

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