Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.


Friend: Here we are in the middle of another holiday season. I have lots of good news about the Campus Internet Project, but there's something on my mind I want to clear. That's one thing holidays are for, to get your mind off what it's regularly on and on to something else. I have been…

Revisionist Airwaves

Ernst Zuendel is doing it on radio, TV, the Internet and by toll-free telephone. If you find he’s making naughty comments, don’t worry. He’s being thoroughly monitored. Freedom Radio: KXEL. Waterloo, IA. 1540 AM. Monday through Thursday, 10pm Central Time. Satellite TV At these Co-Ordinates: Galaxy C-4—Transponder 11 (C-Band) Downlink Frequency: 3920 Satellite Location: 99…

Break His Bones

The book is going fine. Break His Bones is a working title—did I ever say that? Back in March, when I was going through my fit of sturm und drang, of that’s how you spell it, I talked about sharing the working manuscript with those of you who contribute to helping me stay alive while…

The Faurisson / Cole Affair

This one has grown increasingly complicated for me and is now something of a small catastrophe. From what I gather, I’ve failed Henri Roques, I’ve failed Robert Faurisson, and now I've failed David Cole. That of course is in addition to Willis and Elizabeth and all those who are rooting for them. Roques and I…

Henri Roques answers David Cole

Henri ROQUES 90, rue Moslard 92700 COLOMBES 12 February, 1995 FAX to Bradley SMITHC/o I.H.R. FOR PUBLICATION Dear Mr Smith, I read «Another David Cole Adventure in Europe» and also noticed your advertisement: “NEW. David Cole tells it all to you about his eventful October 1994 trip to Europe in search of the physical evidence…

Unfinished Business

Re two unfinished items from Smith's Report: Robert Faurisson has decided to not reply, for the time being in any event, to David Cole's elaborate response to Faurisson's brief letter regarding the necessity for further discussion of the Struthof “gas chamber,” both of which I ran in SR21. At the same time, I was to…

The Christmas Letter

If you received our Christmas letter and thought I looked a little hang-dog in the photo, well … I was taking the photo myself on a ten-second delay. When I set off the process and made a run for my seat next to Paloma I accidentally kicked our dog in the slats and had to…

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