Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Action Report no. 13

Published by Focal Pointfor David Irving's world-wide legal Fighting Fund (DIFF) Update AR #13 – Dec. 1, 1997 Highlights of This Issue “A Radical's Diary” Who is Gregory Douglas, and did the Americans ever interrogate “Gestapo Müller”? (No.) Letters to David Irving The Willis Carto Affair David Irving confronts Daniel Goldhagen A Radical's Diary By…

Tribunal to deny Zündel his Human Rights

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Ernst Zündel, a Canadian publisher, has been brought before a “Human Rights tribunal” today after a complaint was filed by Metropolitan Toronto Mayor Barbara Hall. Hall's complaint was based on revisionist materials that were posted to the Zündelsite, a website established and maintained in the United…

They Committed Suicide?

Robert M. O'Neil is Director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression and author of Classrooms in the Crossfire: The Rights and Interests of Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Librarians, and the Community. He is also former President of the Universities of Virginia and Wisconsin. His most recent book is Free Speech…

Freedom’s just another word

For saying 6-million didn't die. How did an extremist B.C. Columnist end up a martyr? “Give me a break.” Peter Speck is pacing briskly between a window and couch in his office at the North Shore News, self-described “Voice of North and West Vancouver since 1969.” The paper that Speck launched and still runs is…

Action Report no. 12

Published by Focal Pointfor David Irving's world-wide legal Fighting Fund (DIFF) Update AR #12 – July 20, 1997 Highlights of This Issue The Faking Goes On: Auschwitz being “Reconstructed” “A Radical's Diary” David Irving: That Swiss Gold, “You Gotta Hand it to Them.” When an Auschwitz “kapo” is allowed to talk to German schoolchildren. How…

David Cole: Monstrous Traitor

Note: The following piece was posted by the Jewish Defense League at: This piece probably represents the single worst piece of hate ever posted on the World Wide Web. We have reproduced this piece here to help explain what happened and what was done to David Cole. The original links have been disabled. CODOH…

What I Believe, What I Don't, and Why

I understand perfectly well that the Hitlerian regime was anti-Semitic and persecuted Jews and others. I understand many peoples, European Jews among them, experienced unfathomable tragedies in Europe during World War II. Nevertheless, I no longer believe the German State pursued a plan to kill all Jews or used homicidal “gassing chambers” for mass murder….

Kenneth Stern’s Critique of The Leuchter Report: A Critical Analysis

When The Leuchter Report was first published in April 1988, there was immediate and enthusiastic welcome by the revisionists, while nary a word from the holocaustians. Indeed, it was some two years before the publishing of their first rebuttals. These consisted primarily of ad hominem arguments, such as lack of proper credentials, incoherence, or implying…

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