Cole, David

This young Jewish Revisionist filmmaker came to the defense of Ernst Zündel when Zündel needed defending. Subsequently, Zündel and Cole made a film in Auschwitz, with David Cole pointing out all the things wrong with that theme park of hate against Germans. Later yet, Cole came to Canada to lecture to large audiences on his Revisionist findings in Auschwitz, together with David Irving. He also appeared with Zündel in Munich, Germany, spreading Revisionism right under the watchful eyes of the German political police. In a vicious letter posted on the Internet, the Jewish Defense League threatened Cole's life. Emotionally fragile and torn between his conscience and family loyalties as well as filial devotion, he could not withstand the pressure and recanted with an abject apology to his tribesmen and tormentors. Every serious Revisionist understands that this act of recantation was coerced and may have bought David his very survival.

Silence Too is an Answer

There's a threat on the Internet. “We must get rid of this monster” the internet page reads, who is a “cancerous sore” and “must be eliminated altogether.” He is “an abominable psychopath” who, if stopped will “remove a dangerous parasitic, disease-ridden bacteria from infecting society.” Just so no one misses the point, the article ends…

David Cole: Monstrous Traitor

Note: The following piece was posted by the Jewish Defense League at: This piece probably represents the single worst piece of hate ever posted on the World Wide Web. We have reproduced this piece here to help explain what happened and what was done to David Cole. The original links have been disabled. CODOH…

David Cole: Portrait

On January 2, 1998, David Cole renounced Holocaust revisionism and all of the work that he had done for the cause of historical truth. Many people are wondering what happened. What brought on this change of heart? From all appearances it was a result of threats made against him by the Jewish Defense League (JDL)….

Thugs Attack Revisionist Speaker at UCLA Meeting

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Thugs violently broke up a panel discussion at the University of California at Los Angeles, January 22, which had been called to debate the refusal of the student paper to publish Bradley Smith's advertisement on the Holocaust issue. A young Revisionist activist, David Cole, was assaulted…

Phil Donahue Show

Your browser does not support the video tag. The Phil Donahue Show of March 14, 1994, featuring Bradley Smith, David Cole and Michael Shermer(with comments by Mike Smith aka DenierBud)

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