Third Reich Era

Events, organizations and personalities of National Socialist Germany – excluding war-related events (see “World War II”) and the alleged extermination events of the war period (see “Holocaust” & “Final Solution”).

The NS State and how the “Endlösung” developed

By Wilfried Heink- To this day we have no solid evidence showing if and when Hitler decided on this so-called “Endlösung”, i.e., “The Holocaust”. Many theories have been advanced, one by Gerlach for instance who claims Hitler made his wish known to kill all Jews during a meeting of December 12,1941. Just speculations, of course….

The “Ministry of Truth” at Britain’s National Archives

“It is hard to imagine actions more damaging to the cause of preserving the nation’s heritage, than wilfully forging documents designed to alter our historical record.” —Historian Sir Max Hastings,Financial Times, 3 May 2008 Praise for His Books Martin Allen’s first book, Hidden Agenda of 2002 covering the Duke of Windsor’s wartime activities, was nominated…

No Smoking Gun, No Silver Bullets: The Real News of Rosenberg’s Diary

In June of 2013, the media was buzzing with the announcement of the discovery of the diary of Alfred Rosenberg by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Initial reports announced that the diary “could offer new insights into the Holocaust.”[1] News conferences were held with officials from the Department…

German Nationalist Jews During the Weimar and Early Third Reich Eras

The presence of many Germans of Jewish descent in the German armed forces of the Third Reich comes as a revelation to many. The recent book Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military,[1] by Bryan Mark Rigg, shows that up to 150,000 part-Jews…

In the Garden of Beasts

By Erik Larson. Crown Publishing Group, New York, 2011, 448 pp. By June 1933, the “Nazis”—a new word in the world’s lexicon—had held power in Germany for almost six months, and were not expected to last, unlikely characters as virtually all of them were. The American ambassador to Germany had left his post shortly after…

Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP

What exactly did the NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) represent and who were its founding members? Why and how did Adolf Hitler transform the party from an unimpressive proletariat workers’ party to a full-fledged political machine that obtained absolute power in Germany? Perhaps more important, how was it funded? We answer these questions in…

No Peace for Rudolf Hess

In July news circled the globe that the body of Rudolf Hess, the one-time deputy to Adolf Hitler, was exhumed from a family funeral plot. His bones were cremated and scattered at an undisclosed location at sea. Karl-Willi Beck, the mayor of the Bavarian town of Wunsiedel where Hess was buried, justified the action by…

Christianity, Judaism and German National Socialism

In the interests of fairness, Susannah Heschel was sent the following essay prior to its publication here, and asked to correct any possibly false or misleading statements. Ms. Heschel never responded. Does Theology Matter? Even atheists and skeptics admit that Christianity and the other equally influential religions exert a decisive impact upon world affairs. A…

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