
Landmark events of Third Reich history – excluding for the war and the Holocaust.

Religion, Mysticism and the Myth of the “Occult Reich”

There’s nothing quite like the sensationalism of combining Nazism with black magic to ensure attention for an author. Since Hitler’s National Socialism has been regarded as “the ultimate in evil,” linking Hitlerism with black magic and Satanism is a logical development. It could be contended that the sensationalism of the dime novel, pop history, and…

If It Wasn’t Hitler …

Hitler talking to the Jerusalem Mufti In one breathtaking stroke that only the head of the Israeli state could have even attempted, Binyamin Netanyahu outdid practically every revisionist in the world who ever addressed the subject of the Holocaust. The genocide of the Jews was not Hitler’s idea, nor immediate wish. Well, part of that…

The Myth of the Big Business-Nazi Axis

The party-line of the Left is that Fascism and Nazism were the last resort of Capitalism.[1] Indeed, the orthodox Marxist critique does not go beyond that. In recent decades there has been serious scholarship within orthodox academe to understand Fascism as a doctrine. Among these we can include Roger Griffin,[2] Roger Eatwell,[3] and particularly Zeev…

The Anti-Hitler Underground within the German Conservative Revolution

In recent years more has become known about the anti-Hitler underground acting within German conservative and military circles. The book Secret Germany by Baigent and Leigh went a long way to popularize the events surrounding “Operation Valkyrie,” the assassination plot against Hitler.[1] The character of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, perhaps the most well-known figure in…

Never Again — What?

Germany, October 1938. It's almost kick-off time for the Holocaust, which most of its fans date from the night of November 9, the infamous Kristallnacht "national pogrom" against Jewish synagogues, shops, and some homes. But less well known among devotees of the lore of Kristallnacht is the chain of events that was initiated by ……

‘Copenhagen’: Uncertainty in Life and in Science

Copenhagen by Michael Frayn. New York: Anchor, 2000. 132 pages. Daniel W. Michaels is a Columbia University graduate (Phi Beta Kappa, 1954) and a Fulbright exchange student to Germany (1957). Now retired after 40 years of service with the U.S. Department of Defense, he writes from his home in Washington, DC. Peter Frayn’s play Copenhagen,…

Peenemünde and Los Alamos: Two Studies

Abstract The Second World War produced two great and memorable scientific and technological teams: the German Peenemünde rocket team under the direction of Dr. Wernher von Braun, and the American Los Alamos atomic bomb team under the direction of Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Taken together, the contributions of these teams created the post-war capability for…

Zionism and Anti-Semitism: A Strange Alliance Through History

Allan C. Brownfeld is a syndicated columnist and associate editor of the Lincoln Review, a journal published by the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, and editor of Issues, the quarterly journal of the American Council for Judaism. This article is reprinted from the July-August 1998 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs…

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