Hitler, Adolf

The “greatest leader of all times,” as German propaganda had it during his 12 year reign, whose leadership led to the utter devastation of his own nation and the ruin of much of Europe…

Hitler on the Jews ∙ An Excerpt

With the permission of Castle Hill, Inconvenient History prints in this issue, without further ado, the first section of Thomas Dalton’s newest tome, Hitler on the Jews. It explains very well why this book exists – in fact, needs to exist. References in text and footnotes to literature point to the book’s bibliography, which is…

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Hitler’s Motives

The Israeli anti-Palestinian propaganda-site MEMRI offers a redacted video of a presentation given by the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmound Abbas, wherein he made some controversial points about history – points that are uncomfortable especially for Zionist Jews. This aired on Palestine TV on 3 September 2023 (according to MEMRI). Some of the points…

Jim and Diane Discuss Having a Balanced View of Hitler Is It Possible? (21min)

Jim Rizoli and Diane King discuss having a balanced view of Hitler. Is it possible? Jim Rizoli of rizolitv.com and the delightful Diane King, look at the chances of whether Hitler could be discussed in a fair and balanced way. It is clear that the Allies "trashed" this man, and his achievements, by the monstrous lie…

Memorabilia: David Irving Zionist Bankers Main Financiers of Hitler

David Irving in Canada, 1985, describes how Zionist bankers financed Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party. Zionists wanted Jews to leave Germany, they also wanted to make a fast buck. David Irving, brilliant English writer of many a best seller and incredible researcher, show the murky goings on of Zionist conspirators in their dealings with National…

Memorabilia: TV2 Tabloid Interview with Historian David Irving 2009 (Part 2) (Dutch Subtitles)

TV2 Tabloid Interview with historian David Irving 2009 on his research on Adolf Hitler (Part 2). David Irving, the best selling British author, and an incredible researcher talks about his research into the Second World War. Here in this superb (Seven Minutes) video, he continues on with Part 2.  

Memorabilia: TV2 Tabloid Interview with Historian David Irving 2009 (Part 1)

TV2 Tabloid Interview with historian David Irving 2009 on his research on Adolf Hitler. David Irving, the best selling British author, and an incredible researcher talks at length about his research into the Second World War. Here in this superb (two hour 41 minutes) video, David talks at length, and in detail, about the fate…

David Irving: The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History

The common thing is to hear outrageous claims about Adolf Hitler. David Irving tells us all that is false about this intricate character of the twentieth century. David Irving, the brilliant British author of many a best seller, and incredible researcher, talks about the "Holocau$t"  survivors. Introduced by Mark Weber of the Institute of Historical…

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