

The Malmédy Massacre and Trial

In 1977, I received a newspaper clipping from a reader of my Own publication, The Military Journal. The clipping contained an interview with Paul Martin, a survivor of the so-called “Malmédy Massacre,” and had apparently been published on the previous anniversary of the incident. Martin's comments are quite interesting. It is readily apparent that he…

The Other Holocaust: Many Circles Of Hell

The Other Holocaust: Many Circles Of Hell, by Bohdan Wytwycky, Novak, 1980, 918 F Street NW #410, Washington, DC 20004, 96pp, paperback. ISBN: 9991651950. The inevitable has happened. Exterminationist circles are viciously divided as to “whose Holocaust is it anyway?” This Ukrainian author has sought to hitch a ride on the Holocaust gravy-train, by addressing…

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