
War propaganda – some true, some exaggerated, some distorted, some invented – on both sides of the trenches.

The Persecution of P. G. Wodehouse

The noted Anglo-American humorist Pelham Grenville Wodehouse (1881-1975) led, up to 1940, a life which was professionally very active and successful, but devoid of striking or soul-shaking experiences.[1] In that year, however, there occurred an event which changed the course of his life very drastically for the next six years, and cast a lasting, though…

Hollywood Goes to War

Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies by Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D. Black. New York: Free Press/Macmillan, 1987, x + 374 pages, illustrated, $22.50, ISBN 0-02-903550-3. Propaganda may be defined as the attempt to manipulate public opinion for the purpose of helping or injuring a particular…

Thrusting the Stake into Lemkin’s Bleeding Heart

The Man Who Invented ‘Genocide’: The Public Career And Consequences of Raphael Lemkin, by James J. Martin. Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1984, 360pp,$15.95 Hb, $9.95 Pb, ISBN 0-939484-17-X (Hb), 0-939484-14-5 (Pb). Until a historical revisionist conference of three years ago, I had never heard of Raphael Lemkin. It did not surprise me…

The First Holocaust

Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we known about this six-million figure? The most frequent answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World…

Our Mission: To Disrupt the Global Slander and Help Build a More Honest World

I must express my thanks to those who have, with immense courage, made it possible to organise and hold such a conference as ours. This date of December 11-12, in this magnificent capital, could truly be a turning point in world history, I’m not afraid to say so; it marks the real beginning of the…

World War I Atrocity Propaganda and the Holocaust

Dr. Robert Jan van Pelt, a professor of architecture at the University of Waterloo (Canada), has undoubtedly written one of the most important anti-Holocaust revisionist tomes ever penned.[1] Revisionist academic Samuel Crowell put his finger on the reasons as to why The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial is such an important work:…

Germany must perish!

Comments on Germany must Perish! This book enjoyed brisk sales for a time in 1941, and was reviewed[**] by no less than the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time magazine and the Philadelphia Record. This brought it to the attention of Josef Goebbels, who then distributed a million copies of the screed with German…

Soap and Lampshades: The Lies Persist

In his recently published book, Why People Believe Weird Things, Skeptic editor Michael Shermer recounts an exchange from the Phil Donahue show. On that particular episode, CODOH director Bradley Smith stated, “It [is] a lie that Germans cooked Jews to make soap from them.” Shermer, who is skeptical of many things, but generally a believer…

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