In Brief
- Another MA Thesis From New Zealand Attacked
- Canceling A Contract Equals Incitement To Hatred
- Prohibited Guest Book Entries
- Austrian Farmer Shows Courage
- Spontaneous Protest in Berlin against Jews
- Zyklon vacuum cleaner
- Scandal About Hitler Statue
- Ernest Hemingway Exposed As Mass Murderer
- Revisionist Book Promotion In Estonia
- Latvia Unveils Holocaust Memorial
- Croatians Forced To Take Holocaust Lessons
- New Book On Jewish Dominance In The USA
- Jewish Groups Seek To Ban Book On Mideast Conflict
- Taboo Broken In Australia: Jewish Lobby Criticized
- United Nations Throws Out ‘Anti-Semitism’
- Interesting UN Resolutions On Israel And Zionism
- Christmas Celebrations Threaten Israel’s Identity
- Israeli Company Workers Were Warned Of 911 Attack
- Us Faces Uphill Battle To Counter Anti-Arab Prejudice
- Heavy Censorship In Jordan
- Internet: Can Everybody Sue Everybody everywhere?
- Internet Censorship To Hit USA In 2003?
- USA Revives Nuremberg Show Trials
- Holocaust Museum Honors Aborigines
- US obsessed with WWII and “Nazi hunting”
- NY Residents Accused Of War Crimes
- Mass Grave Found in Belarus
Another MA Thesis From New Zealand Attacked
In 1994, Steven Eaton finished his MA thesis in history at the University of Canterbury (NZ) under the supervision of Prof. Vincent Orange. In his work about the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg, Eaton concluded that the allies did not show any respect for international law, and that those tribunals had be an arbitrary demonstration of power. Just two years ago, Prof. Orange had already been attacked for having supervised a Holocaust revisionist MA thesis by Joel S. Hayward, which had been finished in 1993. In his acknowledgment, Eaton expressed his gratitude to Hayward for having introduced him to the problems of Nuremberg. (The Press, NZ, Oct. 24, 2002)
Canceling A Contract Equals Incitement To Hatred
On March 11, 2001, the Jewish organization “Keren Hayesod” intended to hold a fund raising evening for Israel in the nightclub “Y Julieta” at the Beethovenplatz in Munich. However, three days prior to the event, the owner of the nightclub Rudolf Fischer (55) cancelled the contract. He claimed that he did not want to have any political events taking place in his building. As a result, Fischer was insulted and threatened by the Jewish organizers, who also filed a criminal complaint against Fischer for alleged anti-Semitic statements, like “I won’t open my doors to you Jews”. In September 2002, a court sentenced Fischer to pay a fine of €2.500, because the statements he allegedly made would incite to hatred. Fischer denied having made such statements. (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sept. 4, 2002) Contrast that statements with “I won’t open my doors for you right-wingers.” To make such a statement is almost obligatory for all restaurant owners in Germany.
Prohibited Guest Book Entries
Two visitors of the former concentration camp Struthof (Alsace, France) who wrote ‘inappropriate’ comments into the museum’s guest book, were arrested by the French police and charged for crimes against humanity (Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace, Sept. 24, 2002)
Austrian Farmer Shows Courage
With a large poster saying “Jews are blackmailing the entire world. Ariel Sharon a state terrorist”, an Austrian farmer wreaked havoc in June 2002 (Aurolzmünster, Ried). What upset the Austrian authorities even more, was that the farmer also gave addresses of websites which focus on revisionism. It must be expected that the farmer will be sentenced for this “thought crime”. (Rieder Rundschau, June, 2, 2002)

Spontaneous Protest in Berlin against Jews
The Berlin Senate had decided to rename a Berlin road from “Kinkelstraße” back to its pre-war name “Jüdenstraße” (Jewstreet). During the renaming celebration on Nov. 1, 2002, however, some 40 residents of this street spontaneously protested against it. Some residents allegedly shouted slogans like “Get out, Jews!” and “The Jews themselves are to blame”. Some residents claimed that the renaming would cause tremendous costs for new stationery and advertisement material. They also complained that they had fought for decades against this, but that their wishes were simply ignored. Because of the slogans, the German though police (Staatsschutz) is investigating. (Berliner Morgenpost, July 3-7, 2002)
Zyklon vacuum cleaner
When German electrical equipment companies Bosch and Siemens filed a trademark protection application on July 25, 2001, at the US Patent and Trademark Department, in order to get the names “X Zyklon” and “Mixed Zyklon” protected for their vacuum cleaners, they had to think twice. First, the British sportswear company Umbro protested, because it had already registered this name for sport shoes. But then, a Jewish lobby learned about this fight. Hence, it suddenly was big news for BBC, which turned it into a pseudo-scandal: How dare German companies consider using the name Zyklon, which is synonymous for German horror? Thus, the Bosch-Siemens household article group quickly retracted its application and apologized. (Spiegel Online, Sept. 5, 2002)
Scandal About Hitler Statue
Between September and November 2002, a kneeling, life-sized Hitler statue “He”, looking upward and with its hands folded for prayers, caused some excitement at the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam (Netherlands). The sculpture was made by Italian sculptor Maurizio Cattelan, who is well known for his provocations. Rotterdam’s representative for culture considered this statue as a provocation for all citizens of Rotterdam which had suffered from “Hitler’s Bombs” (AP, 5.9.2002).
Ernest Hemingway Exposed As Mass Murderer
Because the southwest German town Triberg is briefly mentioned in one of Hemingway’s novels, this town used to have so-called “Hemingway days” once a year. But since Hemingway reported in detail in his private letters how he had brutally murdered 122 defenseless German prisoners of war, an activist of a patriotic German organization (Deutschland-Bewegung) distributed a leaflet at this year’s “Hemingway days” in Triberg stating : “Triberg honors a murderer”. Because the German public prosecutor refused to open a criminal investigation against this patriot, the town council of Triberg finally decided not to have “Hemingway days” anymore in the future (Schwarzwälder Bote, Sept. 29, 2002). For Hemingway’s confession, see Ernest Hemingway, “Selected Letters1917-1961”, edited by Carlos Baker,
Charles Sribner’s Sons, New York 1981, pp. 672, 697.
Revisionist Book Promotion In Estonia
In Dec. 2002, the well known Holocaust revisionist Jürgen Graf presented the Estonian translation of his most popular book The Holocaust on the Test Stand to some 350 people in Estonia’s capital Tallin. For his dissent, Graf had been sentenced in his native Switzerland to 15 months imprisonment and now lives in exile in eastern Europe. A protest by Jewish organizations was quickly released. (JTA, December 5, 2002)
Latvia Unveils Holocaust Memorial
Latvia has unveiled its first Holocaust memorial in a forest near the capital Riga. During WWII, some 25,000 Jews from Riga’s nearby Jewish ghetto are supposed to have been killed in this forest. The memorial was funded by donations from Germany, Israel, Latvia and the US. (BBC News, 11/29/2002, Apparently, no traces of the alleged victims were ever found.
Croatians Forced To Take Holocaust Lessons
Croatia is again criticized for trying to give a somewhat balanced view on WWII history in its school text books by not glorifying the Allies uncritically and by giving the German side its due. As a result, Croatia is now being monitored by four members of an international task force dedicated to propagating Holocaust education-the United States, Israel, France and Argentina. Meanwhile, the Jewish community of Zagreb, which will receive funds from the Claims Conference to brainwash educators, reached an agreement with the Adam Institute in Jerusalem to organize a seminar on the topic. About 16 instructors are planning to attend the seminar next month. Later, they will organize workshops and brainwash others to teach the subject. (JTA, 12/17/2002;
New Book On Jewish Dominance In The USA
When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America is a book that raises questions about Israel:
“How can such an anti-democratic, ethnocentric, racist, and morally bankrupt socio-political system (Zionism) be so grossly misrepresented as a noble endeavor throughout modern America?”
Originally conceived as a traditional scholarly book, the author did not manage to find a publisher who would be willing to produce so frank an investigation about it’s subject matter. (He did not ask us, though, editor.) In western societies, Jews have been shielded from criticism, and this censorship is rigorously enforced. Hence, this book was published online. Viewing is highly recommended:
Jewish Groups Seek To Ban Book On Mideast Conflict
In November 2002, a translation of the Italian novel Sognanda Palestina (Dream of Palestine) by Randa Ghazi (15), an Italian-born of Egypt parents, was published in France by Flammarion. In his novel, Ghazi describes both Arab extriemists as well as moderates. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and the French anti-Racist group LICRA called on the French government to ban the book. (Reuters, 12/10/2002)
Taboo Broken In Australia: Jewish Lobby Criticized
Federal Labor MP Julia Irwin charged “the Jewish lobby” with being responsible for a “code of silence” forbidding parliamentary debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and quoted an email from an unnamed “senior media commentator” warning her: “You have taken on the most implacable, arrogant, cruel and powerful lobby in the country”, and advising that she would be “singled out for vilification and, if possible, political destruction”. (Australian Jewish News, 12/20/2002) And that is exactly what is currently happening.
United Nations Throws Out ‘Anti-Semitism’
On December 18, 2002, the UN’s General Assembly adopted a resolution that eliminated the misleading term ‘anti-Semitism’ from its resolution on racism. The Unites States, Israel and Palau opposed the resolution, while Canada abstained. Arabic-speaking nations had indicated that they would not oppose retaining the term ‘anti-Semitism’, but only if ‘anti-Arab’ discrimination was included, which the European Union refused to support. (
Interesting UN Resolutions On Israel And Zionism
On November 10. 1975. the UN adopted the motion that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. On December 16, 1991. the UN abandoned this motion. The second resolution does not list the voting record or even carry an explanation with it. This is strange, particularly since the website here is the official UN site (see
Christmas Celebrations Threaten Israel’s Identity
On Christmas Eve 2002, Israel’s Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau urged Jewish families not to celebrate Christmas or New Year’s Day since this would threaten Israel’s “identity as a people and a nation.” Many Israelis wish to take part in these festivities they consider to be a ‘world holiday’. Israeli Radio even played popular Christmas songs such as Jingle Bells, I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, and Silent Night. (AP, 12/24/2002,
Israeli Company Workers Were Warned Of 911 Attack
The instant messaging service Odigo, located in NY and with offices in Israel, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen. The company has been cooperating with Israeli and US law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack. (Ha’aretz Daily, 12/12/2002
Us Faces Uphill Battle To Counter Anti-Arab Prejudice
It has become more difficult for US authorities to buy airtime on Arab TV stations to screen ads that show Arab-Americans enthusing about their freedoms, job opportunities, and the respect shown by US society to Muslims. This is especially so since December 2002, when U.S. Attorney-General John Ashcroft ordered that males over the age of 16 from all Arab countries were required to voluntarily submit themselves to the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) for fingerprinting, photographing, and questioning. (Gulf News, 12/24/2002, This is reminiscent of the US government imprisoning Germans during WWI and again, together with Italians and Japanese, during WWII.
Heavy Censorship In Jordan
As a result of increasing opposition against the official Jordan politics of suppressing the pro-Palestinian movement, the government of Jordan has suspended its parliament, has banned the Lebanese bi-monthly opposition newspaper al Adab, and has jailed authors featured by this newspaper, for instance Dr. Hisham Bustani, a human rights activist and a dentist by profession. After he had written about the use of poison gas by Jordan security forces to suppress pro-Paletsinian demonstrations, Dr. Bustani had been jailed in the al Jweideh prison on the outskirts of Amman. After his release, he reported about the horrendous conditions in these prisons, where inhuman treatment and torture prevail. For this, Dr. Bustani was again arrested, but released on bail after a few days. (Ibrahim Alloush; [email protected] 12/30/2002)
Internet: Can Everybody Sue Everybody everywhere?
First it was the German court system that in a landmark decision of December 12, 2000, proclaimed its jurisdiction extended to overseas Internet website content. (Case of Fredrick Toben/Adelaide Institute; BGH, 12/12/2000, 1 StR 184/00)
Now, on December 10, 2002, the High Court of Australia ruled that millionaire Rabbi Joseph Gutnick can sue American business information company Dow Jones in Melbourne. It is claimed that Dow Jones defamed Gutnick in its on-line business magazine Barrons, hosted on a US-based Internet website in New Jersey. In a clear indication of how serious the implications of the ruling may be, 18 of the world’s biggest media organizations-including AOL Time Warner, Amazon and Yahoo!-made submissions to the court urging the judges to dismiss Mr Gutnick’s action. (The Guardian 12/11/2002;,12582,857749,00.html<)
Internet Censorship To Hit USA In 2003?
Early this year, President George W Bush’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board will release its report “The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.” In a direct response to the events of September 11, 2001, it aims to safeguard national computer networks. The nation’s largest Internet providers fear that they will be forced to give the authorities access to live feeds of network activity, which would be nothing but a wiretap without a judicial order. Tiffany Olson, deputy chief of staff of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, gave as a reason for this planned wiretapping: “We don’t have anybody that is able to look at the entire picture [of the internet]. When something is happening, we don’t know it’s happening until it’s too late.” (New York Times, 12/20/2002)
USA Revives Nuremberg Show Trials
Considering itself in a state of war (against terrorism), the USA intends to revive the procedural rules it applied during the post-WWII show trials against German and Japanese leaders in 1946. The new war crimes trials are directed against suspected terrorists and anybody who associates with them. The new show trials will be held under heavy secrecy and will apply streamlined rules of evidence. Secondhand and hearsay evidence will be allowed, contrary to common US law. Also, the prosecution will be allowed to withhold certain information for security reasons, or only lawyers will be allowed to see it. Pentagon lawyers even consider declaring the mere membership in an alleged terrorist organization a crime, following the example of the Nuremberg prosecutions which had classified the entire SS as a criminal organization. Al-Qaida may be defined the same way. US authorities also consider to keep those 600 terrorist suspects held in Guantanamo and hundreds held in or near Afghanistan as “prisoners of war” for an indefinite period of time. (Miami Herald local/4817835.htm)
Holocaust Museum Honors Aborigines
The Australian Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre dedicated two plaques honoring the Aboriginal community. One plaque, placed inside the museum, commemorates the little-known 1938 protest by Aborigines against the persecution of Jews by NS-Germany. In December 1938, the Australian Aborigines’ League (AAL) took a resolution to the doors of the German Consulate in Melbourne in the wake of Kristallnacht. Troy Austin, an official with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), said he would not compare Aboriginal missions with NS concentration camps, but spoke of the 1930s as a period when theories of “social Darwinism and the superiority of the white man” were rampant. (Australian Jewish News, 12/27/2002)
US obsessed with WWII and “Nazi hunting”
In 2002, the Justice Department set a single-year record by seeking to revoke the citizenship or deport 10 US citizens accused of collaborating with Axis Forces during WWII. Investigators used recently opened archives in former communist countries and better computer databases for witch-hunting war veterans in the United States.
NY Residents Accused Of War Crimes
The Office of Special Investigations, the US Department of Justice’s witch-hunt section against WWII veterans, has accused the Ukrainian-born, NY resident Jaroslaw Bilaniuk (79), who immigrated to the U.S. in 1949, of having been a guard at the Trawniki labor camp in Poland during World War II. Eli Rosenbaum, Jewish director of the OSI, wants to revoke Bilaniuk’s U.S. citizenship and deport him to the Ukrain. In May 2002, a similar case was filed against Jakiw Palij, who resides in NY as well.
Since the OSI began its activities in 1979, 71 WWII veterans involved in Axis activities have been stripped of U.S. citizenship and 57 have been deported. ( news/nationworld/nation/ny-nazi1227,0,6187012.story?col)
Mass Grave Found in Belarus
An unsourced Chicago Tribune article of October 31, 2002, p. 5, reports on a mass grave found at Slutsk, Belarus, 60 miles south of Minsk. So far, 50 bodies have been exhumed, but neither the identity of the victims nor of their murderers is known. Local residents believe that the victims might be Jews from Slutsk and prisoners from a nearby concentration camp who were supposedly shot by “Nazi troops”. A full excavation of the site is planned for spring 2003. Without giving any reason, the article claims that up to 12,000 victims could be buried in this grave. The report ends with a misleading insinuation about the known connection between Jews and Bolsheviks:
“Belarus was home to a substantial Jewish minority before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Of the 6 million Jews who died in Europe during World War II, 800,000 were killed by Nazis in Belarus.”
Update: Jan. 2, 2003
Bibliographic information about this document: The Revisionist 1(1) (2003), pp. 118-120
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a