The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chapter 8 Peter Winter (16:41 min)
Jim Rizoli, courageous fighter against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie continues his review of Peter Winter's book by looking at Chapter 8. Section 44 looks at "confessions" made by German soldiers and asks why did Germans confess? Peter devotes a lot of time to this passage. He writes that in April 1989, Joscha Fischer, the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic, the "castrate" set up by the Allies, wrote that "All democracies have a basis, a cornerstone. For France, it is 1789, for Germany it is Auschwitz". Peter goes onto explain that denying the existance of the Holocau$t atrocity lie threatened the state. A state that exists on a LIE. Peter relates that it was easier as a defence tactic to say that making various statements that it [the "Holoco$t"] did happen but I wasn't involved in any killing. Peter mentions that a German lawyer, Sylvia Stolz, a highly intelligent, elegant and attractive lady, defending her client, was actually given 5 years in prison for saying the "Holocau$t" was a lie. Section 45 relates to the Suchomel "confession". This "confesion" appeared in a film made by a Jewish propagandist, and only appeared years after Franz Suchomel's death. Franz Suchomel, a SS NCO had been at Treblinka, and the film appears to show him confessing. Peter shows that the interview supposed to have been filmed by one secret camera, is anything but. Jim tells of Richard Baer, an SS officer with the rank of Sturmbannfuhrer [Major] commandant of Auschwitz in 1944 to 1945. Refusing to testify, he died of a heart attack, aged 52 before the trial started.
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