The Christian Religion and the Iran Holocaust Conference
An Open Letter to Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Palace
I-00120 Vatican City
December 17, 2006
Dear Pope Benedict XVI,
In the wake of the recent Iranian Holocaust revisionist conference, it has been widely reported that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has asked you to “personally and publicly” intervene to ask Christians to protest against “Holocaust denial.” Specifically, he is asking you to issue a formal proclamation condemning Holocaust revisionism, the historical theory that there are lies and exaggerations in the Jewish Holocaust story.
Before I address this issue, please consider the following facts about the so-called “sacred doctrine” of the Holocaust. At the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans exterminated four million people at Auschwitz. Until 1990, a memorial plaque at Auschwitz read: 'Four Million People Suffered and Died Here at the Hands of the Nazi Murderers Between the Years 1940 and 1945.' During a 1979 visit to the camp, Pope John Paul II stood before this memorial and blessed the four million victims.
Pope John Paul II blesses the memorial to four million Auschwitz victims
In July 1990, the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum, along with Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust center, conceded that the four million figure was a gross exaggeration, and references to it were accordingly removed from the Auschwitz monument. Israeli and Polish officials announced a tentative revised toll of about 1.5 million Auschwitz dead.
What is most important to note is that in the September 22, 1989 issue of the Jerusalem Post (Israel), Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer said that it was time to finally admit that the four million figure was a deliberate myth.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “sacrilege” is defined as “the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object.” By offering his “blessing,” Pope John Paul II invoked the concept of God to give credence to the Stalinist/Zionist/American/British inspired falsehood that four million people were murdered at Auschwitz. In essence, John Paul II treated a sacred object-the concept of God-in an injurious manner, as he used it to lend credence to a propaganda lie. I could cogently argue that Pope John Paul II is guilty of blasphemy or sacrilege, as he invoked the name of God to “bless” a propaganda myth of powerful political forces.
In his defense, there are those who will say that John Paul II was not aware that the four million figure was a deliberate myth. He did not willfully mislead people; thus, he is not guilty of any wrongdoing. Even if we assume that this is correct, it still remains that he invoked the concept of God to “bless” a falsehood, thus helping to propagate the falsehood and mislead millions of people.
If Pope John Paul II had real moral integrity on this issue, he would have publicly apologized for invoking the name of God to bless a falsehood, and he would have tried to make amends for misleading his flock. He could have at least had the moral integrity to publicly admit that the Auschwitz death toll of four million is an exaggeration by at least two million and five hundred thousand souls!
But he never did this. Nor has any official of the Catholic Church ever publicly apologized for committing the wrong of invoking the name of God to lend credence to the propaganda lie that four million people were murdered at Auschwitz.
Let us look at this from another angle. In Exodus 20:16 it is written: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Now, this false claim that the Germans murdered four million people at Auschwitz is in fact an example of the Stalinists, Zionists, Americans, and British bearing false witness against their German neighbors.
Pope John Paul II never publicly apologized for misleading his flock on this issue. He never publicly apologized for helping these powerful political forces to “bear false witness against their neighbors.” This shows that even the so-called “moral conscience” of the West has very little moral integrity on this Holocaust issue.
Knowing all this is now more important than ever, because as I said, it has been reported that Zionist functionaries are now putting pressure on you to denounce “Holocaust denial” in some type of formal proclamation. Presumably, this will cause other Christians to reject Holocaust revisionism, because many will view your “Holy” proclamation as the “voice” of God Himself telling Christians that “they must believe in the Jewish Holocaust doctrine.” If this is what you truly desire, you should resign from the Papacy and move to Israel and become a full time Holocaust lobby propagandist.
There is no commandment in Scripture that says: “Thou shalt believe in the Jewish Holocaust ideology.”
However, there are statements in Scripture that command the Christian to search for truth. In John 8: 31-32 it is stated: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In1 John 2: 21, we read: “I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.” Finally, to illustrate the point, let us again quote Exodus 20: 16: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
These statements clearly imply that they who follow the words of the Bible will search for truth and reject lies. A Christian does not find the truth about the alleged Jewish Holocaust by blindly accepting what the Zionist influenced mass media tells him. For if he did, he could end up like your predecessor, Pope John Paul II, who accepted and promoted the propaganda falsehood that four million people were murdered at Auschwitz, and thereby engaged in possible blasphemy and sacrilege. The real Christian strives for the truth. He gives the Holocaust revisionist and traditional view of the Holocaust a fair hearing, and then attempts to determine where the truth really is.
So, what I am suggesting to you is this. First, in obedience to the command of Exodus 20:16, you should issue a formal apology for the Papacy's part in the bearing of false witness against your German neighbors when your predecessor, John Paul II, invoked the concept of God to lend credence to the propaganda lie that four million people were murdered at Auschwitz. Second, you should issue a formal proclamation that urges Christians to heed Scriptural demands to find truth in all matters, inclusive of the Jewish Holocaust issue. That is, Christians should fairly investigate both traditional and revisionist views of the Jewish tragedy of WWII, and then honestly attempt to determine where the truth is.
I would appreciate knowing your response to my suggestions.
With Best Wishes,
Paul Grubach
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