Book Announcements
Auschwitz – Forensically Examined
Authored by Cyrus Cox
Cyrus Cox, Auschwitz – Forensically Examined, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2019, 114 pages, 5”×8” paperback, b&w illustrated, bibliography, index, ISBN 978-1-59148-224-6. Available from Armreg Ltd at See the book review by John Wear in this issue.
It is amazing what modern forensic crime-scene investigations can find out. This is also true for the Holocaust. There are many big tomes about this, such as Rudolf’s 400+ page book on the Chemistry of Auschwitz, or Mattogno’s 1200-page work on the crematoria of Auschwitz. But who reads those door-stops? Here is a booklet that condenses the most-important findings of Auschwitz forensics into a nut-shell, quick and easy to read.
This booklet of 124 pages offers an overview of the various forensic investigations on Auschwitz carried out so far. In the first section, the forensic investigations of the following authors are reviewed and compared: Soviet Commission (1945); Jan Sehn, Roman Dawidowski and Jan Robel (Poland 1945), Gerhard Dubin (Austria 1972), Fred Leuchter (Canada 1988), Germar Rudolf (Germany 1991, 2017), Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana (Italy 1994, 2003, 2015), Willy Wallwey (Germany 1998) and Heinrich Köchel (Germany 2004/2015).
In the second section, the most-important results of these studies are summarized in such a way as to making them accessible to everyone. The main arguments focus on two topics. The first concerns chemical and toxicological properties of the agent said to have been used at Auschwitz for mass murder – Zyklon B – as well as the question of whether it has left traces in the masonry of the claimed execution gas chambers which can be detected analytically to this day. The second topic deals with mass cremations of bodies in crematoria on the one hand and on pyres on the other, which are said to have been carried out outdoors. Did the crematoria of Auschwitz have the required capacity to cremate the many hundreds of thousands of victims of the claimed mass murder? Do air photos taken by Allied reconnaissance aircraft over Auschwitz in 1944 confirm witness statements reporting huge smoking pyres? Find the answers to these questions in this booklet, together with many references to source material and further reading.
The third section reports on how the establishment has reacted to these research results: initially with skepticism and curiosity, but then increasingly with censorship and persecution. At the end, this book asserts that we all must have the right and the moral obligation to peacefully resist such dictatorial suppression of scholarly research.
If you want to read the results of forensic research on Auschwitz in a nutshell, this is the booklet to get.
Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers.
An Introduction and Update to Jean-Claude Pressac’s Magnum Opus
Authored by Germar Rudolf
Germar Rudolf, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. An Introduction and Update to Jean-Claude Pressac’s Magnum Opus, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2019, 132 pages, 6”×9” paperback, b&w illustrated, ISBN 978-1-59148-203-1. Volume 42 of the series Holocaust Handbooks; accessible online at See the introduction to the book excerpt in this issue for a description.
The Second Babylonian Captivity
The Fate of the Jews in Eastern Europe since 1941
Authored by Steffen Werner
Steffen Werner, The Second Babylonian Captivity: The Fate of the Jews in Eastern Europe since 1941, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2019, 177 pages, 6”×9” paperback, b&w illustrated, bibliography, index, ISBN 978-1-59148-226-0. Available from Armreg Ltd at See the book excerpt in this issue.
“But if they were not murdered, where did the six million deported Jews end up?”
This is a standard objection to the revisionist thesis that the Jews were not killed in extermination camps. It demands a well-founded response.
While researching an entirely different topic, Steffen Werner accidentally stumbled upon the most-peculiar demographic data of Byelorussia. Years of research subsequently revealed more and more evidence which eventually allowed him to substantiate a breathtaking and sensational proposition: The Third Reich did indeed deport many of the Jews of Europe to Eastern Europe in order to settle them there “in the swamp.”
This book, first published in German in 1990, was the first well-founded work showing what really happened to the Jews deported to the East by the National Socialists, how they have fared since, and who, what and where they are “now” (1990). It provides context and purpose for hitherto-obscure and seemingly arbitrary historical events and quite obviates all need for paranormal events such as genocide, gas chambers, and all their attendant horrifics.
With a preface by Germar Rudolf with references to more-recent research results in this field of study confirming Werner’s thesis.
Lie$ & Gravy: Landmarks in Human Decay
Gerard Menuhin
Gerard Menuhin, Lie$ & Gravy: Landmarks in Human Decay. Two Consecutive Plays, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2019, 109 pages, 5”×8” paperback, ISBN 978-1-59148-989-4. Available from Armreg Ltd at This is a unique diversion of Castle Hill’s publishing effort into the field of fiction.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the hallucination of global supremacy was born. Few paid it any attention. After centuries of counter-organic interference, when the end is in sight, we’re more inclined to take it seriously.
But now, we have only a few years of comparative freedom left before serfdom submerges us all.
So it’s time to summarize our fall and to name the guilty, or, as some have it, to spot the loony.
Sometimes the message is so dire that the only way to get it across is with humor – to act out our predicament and its cause.
No amount of expert testimony can match the power of spectacle.
Here, at times through the grotesque violence typical of Grand Guignol, at times through the milder but no less horrifying conspiracies of men incited by a congenital disorder to fulfill their drive for world domination, are a few of the most telling stages in their crusade against humanity, and its consequences, as imagined by the author.
We wonder whether these two consecutive plays will ever be performed on stage…
Bibliographic information about this document: Inconvenient History, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2019)
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