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The Soviets were the main contributors of what was deemed to be evidence of alleged German crimes at the Nürnberg Trials of the International Military Tribunal (IMT). In November 1942, they created the: “Extraordinary State Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices” to investigate those alleged crimes. From…

A Correction to My Article “Tree-felling at Treblinka”

In the recent Fall issue of the journal Inconvenient History, I have published a longer article on certain statements of Treblinka eyewitness Richard Glazar and what these imply for the allegation that more than 800,000 corpses were incinerated on open air pyres in this “extermination camp”. In its second paragraph I quoted the following passage from…

The Traitors in the Officer Corps of the German Armed Forces

By Wilfried Heink- Following World War I, Germany's army was demoralized, reduced to groups of free lance mercenaries. Discipline, the core of any army, especially in the German/Prussian army, was no longer. This breakdown had already started in the last month of WWI, when German troops who had been exposed to the Bolshevik virus while…

Fredrick Töben Jailed in Australia

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist and free speech activist Dr. Fredrick Töben has been taken into custody to serve a three-month jail term for violating Australia’s anti-free speech laws. Australian Federal Police took Töben, the author of Where Truth is no Defence, I want to break free, from the Federal…

And another witness falls…

As revisionists are well aware, many of the defenders of the traditional Holocaust rely heavily on alleged “eye-witnesses” to the events. Yet how many “eye-witnesses” have not only been exposed by revisionists, but have been admittedly scandalized by the mainstream press? Still, that does not stop Holo defenders from standing by their withering fortress, and…

Review: Michael Grabher, “Irmfried Eberl. “Euthanasie'-Arzt und Kommandant von Treblinka” (Peter Lang – Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main 2006)

  Dr. Irmfried Eberl (b. 1910), former medical director of the euthanasia institutes in Brandenburg and Bernburg, was the first commandant of the Treblinka II “death camp” from the beginning of the camp's operation in July 1942 to the end of August the same year, when reportedly he was fired due to incompetence and replaced…

The opposition in the AA (Auswärtiges Amt = Foreign office)

On February 25, 2008 an article, written by Sven Felix Kellerhoff, appeared in Die Welt, a German daily, titled “Hitlers willige Vollstrecker im Auswärtigen Amt” (Hitler’s willing assistants in the foreign office). We were informed that in 2006 a historian commission had been assembled, chaired by Eckhard Conze (J. Fischer, former German foreign minister was…

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