Archive of Posts

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Some Preliminary Observations

In an article of mine published last year (2008), I made the following remark on the apparent lack of documentation on Polish archeologist Andrzej Kola's excavations at the former site of the alleged "pure extermination camp" Sobibór ( «The most troublesome aspect of the 2001 excavation is the complete lack of publicly available documentation. Despite…

Documentary Evidence

At the end of WWII, the Allies decided to try the German leadership for alleged war crimes. The background to this decision was spelled out in some detail in the "Moscow Declaration" of October 30, 1943. The Russians (I know that it is politically correct to call them "Soviets", but just like the "Nazis" were…

A brief note on Father Patrick Desbois

In the most recent issue (#161) of the revisionist newsletter Smith's Report (available online at, Stephen Gallant comments on a lecture held in New York by Father Patrick Desbois, the author of Holocaust by Bullets, a book praised by Elie Wiesel and other Shoah potentates. Desbois, a French catholic priest, has spent several years travelling…

Grave pit enlargement at Bełżec caused by soil movement?

Between 1997 and 1999, Polish archeologist Professor Andrzej Kola carried out select excavations and probe drills at the former site of the Bełżec camp in eastern Poland, where allegedly 434,501 Jews (434,508 Jews were deported to the camp according to the so-called Höfle telegram, whereof 7 reportedly survived) were gassed to death, buried, disinterred and…

Töben sentenced to 3 months in Australian prison

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist activist and author, Dr. Fredrick Toben has been sentenced to three months in prison for contempt of court. The Australian Federal Court ordered that Toben, 64, be imprisoned and pay legal costs after he continued to publish Holocaust revisionist material on the Adelaide Institute website…

Famous French sociologist Alain Besançon discovers “the religion of the Shoah”

Already in the late 1970s, at the first heavy blow I struck against them, the historians of “the Holocaust” (which today is often called “Shoah”) had shown their disarray. Whereas I had placed myself on scientific ground to demonstrate, in a way that admitted of no rebuttal, that their alleged homicidal gas chambers were technically…

Statement of Intent

Why did we choose "Inconvenient History" as the title for our Blog? Allow us to explain. First, we will concentrate mainly on the history of World War II and the Third Reich, but ideally we should actually go back to 1871, when Germany was united under Bismarck. At that time, and Bismarck realized this, Germany…

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