Archive of Posts

Not Pearl Harbor II

Following the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, various commentators have attempted to explain the event to their audiences. One frequent allusion was that of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Perhaps Disney's recent film was stuck in the minds of our media as some even dubbed the…

On Terror and Its other Names

When the Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi, was shot by a Palestinian assassin the other day, it was the first killing of an Israeli cabinet minister by an Arab. It was not, however, the first killing of an Israeli cabinet minister per se: an Israeli Jew assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in late 1995. Illogically,…

The Mystery of Evil

When I turned on the television this morning Billy Graham was preaching in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. to a congregation of the nation’s leaders, including President Bush and the Presidents wife and father. Graham is very old now, and feeble, but he still speaks with force and clarity. He noted several times that…

Whatever Happened to Israel?

In the immediate aftermath of the destruction of September 11, several voices were raised that attempted to link the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon to Greater Israel's ongoing problems with its subject Palestinian population. Indeed, the former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in a stunning display of cynicism, at first proclaimed the…

The Deportation of Hungarian Jews from May to July 1944

Introduction Jürgen Graf’s article »What happened to the Jews who were deported to Auschwitz but not registered there?” [1] as well as the response by Arthur Butz under the title »What happened to the Hungarian Jews? A response to Jürgen Graf« [2] caused new discussions within the Revisionist camp about the question about the Jewish…

Rudolf Hoess: The Legal Implications of his Forced Confession

Background: Rudolf Höss, Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 – 1943 was captured by the British on March 13, 1946. Affadavits written and signed in English were forced from Höss on several occasions. Although in regard to the charges of “crimes against humanity” Höss was arguably the most important prisoner, his role at Nuremberg was not…

Can I Sell You a Testimony?

On Friday, 1 June, I was invited to attend a symposium at Loyola Marymount University Law School Campus in downtown Los Angeles. Arriving early with two companions, gave us a welcome opportunity to explore the campus. To my surprise, there was neither a crucifix nor any other religious symbol on the exterior of the building…

Holocaust Revisionism and Neo-Nazism

One of the most damaging, oft-repeated and false accusations leveled against Holocaust revisionism is that it is part of an extremist neo-Nazi movement, the ultimate purpose of which is to destroy democratic political systems and reintroduce Nazi totalitarianism. Expressing this widely held sentiment, a major opponent of Holocaust revisionism, Dr. Michael Shermer, described Holocaust revisionists…

Hunting Demjanjuk

In 1993, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that John Demjanjuk was not guilty in regard to the allegations that he was the notorious guard of Treblinka known as “Ivan the Terrible.” His United States citizenship was restored shortly thereafter. The Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations (OSI) has recently revived the 24-year old case by…

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