Archive of Posts

Germany’s Biggest “Net provider Bans 1,500 sites

Germany's largest Internet provider, Deutsche Telekom, cut access to nearly 1,500 internet sites on Thursday, January 25. The primary target of this ban is what has been deemed to be “neo-Nazi” propaganda. Inexplicably other sites included various financial services and even “Santa Claus On-line.” Computer users in Germany were very upset and accused Deutsche Telekom…

Telecommunications Act of 1996

One Hundred Fourth Congress of the United States of AmericaAT THE SECOND SESSIONBegun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday,the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-sixAn ActTo promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and higher quality services for American telecommunications consumers and encourage the…

Mirror, mirror . . . sowing the seeds of vengeance

Immediately after the Second World War, the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung wrote [Essays on Contemporary Events, London: 1947, pp. 51f.]: “One should not for a moment imagine that anybody could possibly have escaped this play of opposites. Even a saint would have to pray unceasingly for the souls of Hitler and Himmler, the Gestapo…


Last May 7th, at about 5:00 a.m. of a Sunday morning, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of VE celebrations worldwide, a terrorist firebombed the home and headquarters of Toronto publisher and Holocaust revisionist, Ernst Zündel. Zündel himself was away in Vancouver at the time, consulting with his attorney, Douglas Christie. His housesitter, Jerry…

Work in the Moscow Archives

This research from the Moscow archives concerning World War II German concentration camps was conducted in two phases: Phase I: July-August 1995 by Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf & Russel Granata Phase II: November-December 1995 by Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf From 17 November to 16 December of 1995, I was in Moscow. Carlo Mattogno arrived…

CompuServe Censors Newsgroups

On Thursday, December 28th, 1995, CompuServe Inc. decided to suspend access to 200 Internet newsgroups that were considered “pornographic.” This move was made due to pressure from the German government to limit public access to the Internet. There is terrific risk that Germany, which is known for banning of books and materials deemed inappropriate will…

Different strokes for different folks…so stroke this

Here is how Stuart Kahan describes his uncle, Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, in his memoir The Wolf of The Kremlin [William Morrow: New York, 1987, pp. 14f.]: “…Stalin's closest confidant, the chairman of the Soviet Presidium, the man who set up the amalgamation of the state security forces that later became the infamous KGB, the man…

Senator Kennedy’s statement on the conference report on Internet censorship

The following is the response that this author received after presenting my opinion on freedom of speech and opinion on the Internet to Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA). RW Subj: Re: Internet Censorship Protest DayDate: 95-12-19 13:10:00 ESTFrom: [email protected]To: [email protected] Senator Kennedy's statement on the conference report on Internet censorship I oppose the Internet censorship provision…

Not Guilty at Nuremberg. Post censored from

In December of 1995, a friend of CODOH made a post to the USENET newsgroup, The post announced that the work, Not Guilty at Nuremberg : The German Defense Case by Carlos Porter was now available on the web. The post was originally approved by the moderator and posted to the newsgroup. On December…

Wiesenthal Centre seeks Internet Censorship

December 7, 1995 Members of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre requested that Italian Prime Minister Lamberto Dini back their initiatives to ban “racists” and “extremists” from the Internet. Italy has been specifically targeted to support the Orwellian-ban because Italy takes over the European Union presidency on January 1, 1996. The Wiesenthal Centre would like the enforcement…

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