Author: Paul Grubach

Paul Grubach is a U.S. scholar who has published many revisionist studies and articles.

Letter to Amnesty International Regarding the Persecution of Germar Rudolf by the Government of Germany

Amnesty InternationalD-53108BonnGermany August 16, 2006 Sir/Madame: I have been informed that one of the main purposes of your organization is to defend human rights worldwide. I am writing to you now to inform you of a very serious human rights violation that is taking place in your own nation, and to request that you would…

A Holocaust Revisionist Critique of the Thinking of Deborah Lipstadt

Preliminary Note: In the interest of fairness and accuracy, the following essay was emailed to Dr. Deborah Lipstadt prior to its publication on the CODOH web site. She was asked to identify any problems, errors, misinterpretations, falsities, etc. If need be, these would be eliminated or corrected. Paul Grubach and CODOH have no desire whatsoever…

Christian Morality and Holocaust Revisionism

Recently, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, declared that Holocaust denial is tantamount to “sacrilege” after he issued a message of solidarity to Britain's Jewish community ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day.[1] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “sacrilege” is defined as “the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object.” So, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor is saying…

Christian News Writers Meet at Revisionist/ Institute for Historical Review Convention

Editor’s note: The following essay was originally published in the Vol. 28, No. 42, November 12, 1990 issue (pages 1, 18) of Christian News (CN), a Lutheran weekly published out of New Haven, Mo. It was a front page article, accompanied by a photograph of Revisionist writers who attended the 1990 conference of the Institute…

The Non-Existent “Auschwitz Gas Chambers” of Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Jan van Pelt

Preliminary note: This essay is dedicated to the Holocaust revisionist scholar, Dr. Robert Faurisson. He was the first to point out the chemical and toxicological impossibility of these Auschwitz gas chamber stories. Part 1 I In her 1993 critique of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, prominent…

Freedom of Speech and Holocaust Revisionism in Germany and Austria

In recent times four major figures of the Holocaust revisionist movement have been arrested on “Holocaust denial” charges. German scientist Germar Rudolf and German revisionist activist Ernst Zundel were deported from the United States and will stand trial in Germany. Likewise with Siegfried Verbeke, as he was extradited from Belgium for trial in Germany. British…

The “Holocaust” Ad: A Study in Hypocrisy

Editor’s Note: In the early 1990s, free-speech advocate Bradley Smith attempted to place a full-page ad explaining the Holocaust revisionist position in college newspapers throughout the United States. The ad was published by some papers at institutions of higher learning, and rejected by others. In response to this campaign, the following article was originally published…

Should Germany and Austria Tolerate Holocaust Revisionism?

In recent times three major figures of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, and David Irving, were arrested and are going to be put on trial for denying the Holocaust. Zündel and Rudolf in Germany, and Irving in Austria. Germany and Austria both have harsh laws that proscribe Holocaust revisionist viewpoints. In the…

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