Author: Thomas Kues

Thomas Kues was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1981. He has an academic background in literature, linguistics and translation, and is fluent in several languages, including English, German, Dutch and Japanese. He was professionally active as a freelance translator, and was privately active as a revisionist writer between 2007 and 2014. He is the author of many papers related to holocaust revisionism, chiefly concerning the Aktion Reinhardt camps (Bełżec, Sobibór, Treblinka). Together with Jürgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno, he has co-authored the study Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality (HH Vol. 19). He was also a frequent contributor to the periodicals Inconvenient History and Smith's Report. When searching for evidence in Eastern European archives of Jews deported to the East during WWII, he received serious threats to his livelihood and life in the mid-2010s. Hence, he decided to change his identity and drop out.

The Führerbefehl according to the WJC in 1945: “All Jews must die, but not before going through suffering and agony”

By Thomas Kues- In 1945, the World Jewish Congress prepared a report on the “Criminal Conspiracy” against the Jews perpetrated by the Third Reich for the authorities in charge of bringing about the International Military Tribunal. Of this report, the chapter “Charge Eight: Mass Annihilation, part II” is of special interest. The document, which is…

EU anti-revisionist law by the end of the year?

On January 27, 2010, the “International Holocaust Remberance Day”, EU Commissioner for Security and Justice and Vice-President of the EC, Jacques Barrot, made the following highly important statement on his newspage: “Sixty-five years ago, the world woke itself to the horrors of Auschwitz. Today, it is our duty to pay tribute to the 6 millions…

Stangl claimed Bormann to be alive in Paraguay

A small bit of memory-holed history, lifted from The Milwaukee Journal, Thursday July 20, 1967, p. 2: “Hitler's Deputy Living in Brazil, Nazi Says Observer News Service Vienna, Austria – Nazi war criminal Franz Stangl, now being interrogated in West Germany, has reported that Martin Bormann – Hitler's deputy – is still alive.Stangl, extradited from…

Review: Israel Cymlich & Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, New York/Jerusalem 2007

By Thomas Kues- In this volume of the series “The Holocaust Survivors’ Memoirs Project”, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the two Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. Both memoirs are reproduced together with full facsimiles of the extant manuscripts (in Polish and…

Treblinka – More Bumblings from Bomba

Most of my readers are likely already familiar with the Treblinka eyewitness Abraham Bomba. In an article for The Revisionist, “Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka” (Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2003, pp. 170-176) Bradley Smith exposed Bomba's rather infantile mendacity as displayed in an interview made in Tel Aviv in 1979 for Claude Lanzmann's well-known…

A Correction to My Article “Tree-felling at Treblinka”

In the recent Fall issue of the journal Inconvenient History, I have published a longer article on certain statements of Treblinka eyewitness Richard Glazar and what these imply for the allegation that more than 800,000 corpses were incinerated on open air pyres in this “extermination camp”. In its second paragraph I quoted the following passage from…

Review: Michael Grabher, “Irmfried Eberl. “Euthanasie'-Arzt und Kommandant von Treblinka” (Peter Lang – Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main 2006)

  Dr. Irmfried Eberl (b. 1910), former medical director of the euthanasia institutes in Brandenburg and Bernburg, was the first commandant of the Treblinka II “death camp” from the beginning of the camp's operation in July 1942 to the end of August the same year, when reportedly he was fired due to incompetence and replaced…

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