Author: Mark Weber

Mark Weber was born in 1951 in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a bachelor's degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master's degree in European history. Since 1995 Weber has been director of the Institute for Historical Review, which until the early 2000s was a leading revisionist history educational center and publisher based in southern California. For nine years he was editor of the IHR's former Journal of Historical Review. He is the author of many articles, reviews and essays dealing with historical, political and social issues, which have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages. In 1988 he testified during the second Zündel trial in Toronto as a recognized expert witness on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. When the IHR ceased publishing new revisionist material in 2002, Weber redirected his focused on being a guest on numerous radio talk shows.

Mark Weber, Interview with Jim Rizoli, Feb. 10, 2016

Mark Weber, currently director of the Institute for Historical Review, explains his getting involved into Holocaust revisionism, and what he thinks of it now.

The Holocaust Controversy

Crossing Swords in France on the Holocaust Issue

Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust, by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Translated and with a foreword by Jeffrey Mehlman. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. Hardcover. 205 (+ xxvi) pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 0-231-07458-1. In no country has Holocaust revisionism gained greater ground than in France. Most of the blame or credit for…

Three Revisionist Books from Germany

The Rudolf Report: Germany’s “Leuchter Report” A German chemist’s meticulous new technical-forensic examination of the alleged execution “gas chambers” of Auschwitz has been attracting a good bit of attention in Europe. Printed on glossy paper in a large, magazine-size format, this 110-page report contains numerous photographs (several in color), charts, diagrams, and more than 200…

Willis Carto and the IHR

Willis Carto is perhaps best known as the founder and director of Liberty Lobby, an organization based in Washington, DC that publishes a weekly tabloid paper, The Spotlight. Carto has also been affiliated with the Institute for Historical Review since its founding in 1978. As those who have attended recent IHR conferences know, the IHR…

Cole on Morton Downey Show

David Cole appeared on the nationally-broadcast Morton Downey television show, on the episode aired October 13 (or 14), 1993. Downey was at his typically raving and vicious worst, loudly denouncing Cole as “crap,” and saying that the young Jewish Holocaust revisionist should be given “a damn good spanking.”

IHR Activist Puts Cole Video on Local Television

In northern California, veteran IHR supporter Harvey Taylor recently arranged for the broadcast of David Cole’s compelling video about Auschwitz on local cable access television, Continental Cablevision of Yuba City. To inform the public of the showing, Taylor also published an announcement (reproduced here) in the local daily Marysville Appeal-Democrat. Beginning October 5, it appeared…

Smith Steps Up CODOH Ad Campaign

Bradley Smith, intrepid chairman of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), attracted nationwide notoriety in late 1991 and early 1992 as a result of his success in placing advertisements calling for open debate on the Holocaust issue in student newspapers at several major universities. After something of a lapse, Smith has recently…

“Danger” of Holocaust Revisionism Spreading, Says Israeli Scholar

Israeli Holocaust scholar Yehuda Bauer is worried. In an article in the Israeli English-language daily Jerusalem Post, August 7, 1993, he warns that “America is the center of a world-wide Holocaust denial movement.” According to the article, headlined “US is center of Holocaust revisionism,” Bauer also “named France as the second major center, followed by…

Fred Leuchter Arrested in Germany

Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., the American execution hardware specialist who insists that claims of wartime mass gassings at Auschwitz are not true, was arrested in Cologne, Germany, on October 28, half an hour before his scheduled appearance on a television show. Fred Leuchter Leuchter was arrested without an arrest warrant or formal charges. He was…

Holocaust Lies: Bergen-Belsen Gassing

Fraudulent Holocaust claims about magical gas chambers and miraculous survival in wartime German camps are all too familiar. Occasionally, though, we come across a claim so breathtaking in its mendacious effrontery that it deserves special notice. In an article (reproduced here) in The Gazette of Montreal (Canada), August 5, 1993, and in a memoir, Moshe…

Sarajevo Worse Than Auschwitz, Says Former Inmate

According to at least one former inmate of Auschwitz-Birkenau, conditions today in Sarajevo, the capital of wartorn Bosnia, are worse than in the notorious German camp during the Second World War. Danica Bagaric, an ethnic Croat, was a 17-year-old partisan fighter with Tito’s Communist forces when she was captured by the Germans in April 1943….

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