Author: Richard A. Widmann

Richard A. Widmann, together with David Thomas, created modern CODOH as we know it, when he talked Bradley Smith into creating what was then called CODOHWeb, CODOH's online presence in 1995/1996. In 1999, Richard Widmann was among the team that launched and ran the revisionist periodical The Revisionist, until it was taken over by Germar Rudolf in 2003. When this project collapsed in 2005 with Rudolf's arrest, deportation and 44-months imprisonment, Richard Widmann, after some hesitation, created a new revisionist periodical in 2009 called Inconvenient History, which he issued until 2017, when this project, too, was once more taken over by Germar Rudolf.

A Call for Dissident Writers

By Richard A. Widmann- Today certain historical studies are strongly discouraged and in certain once-free democracies even outlawed. But a recent interest in discovering the facts about the twentieth century’s two world wars and their aftermath as well as the consequences of those events inspires us with new courage and optimism. Harry Barnes said that…

A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry

By Richard A. Widmann- Slightly over 30 years ago, James J. Martin, one of the deans of revisionist history of the twentieth century coined the term “Inconvenient History” with his collection of essays, The Saga of Hog Island. Long before Al Gore would speculate on the “Inconvenient Truth” of global warming, James Martin was already…

Delousing American Style

The National Socialist government of Germany was neither the first nor the last to deal with health issues resulting from concentrating large populations in confined areas. It is unfortunately typical that many who consider the accounts of witnesses of the Nazi concentration camp system view this time and the events which have come to be…

"Hitler’s Hidden Holocaust"

Touted as a documentary which would change the Holocaust narrative as we know it by revealing new information on the Einsatzgruppen and what has come to called “the Holocaust by bullets,” National Geographic's special “Hitler's Hidden Holocaust” which aired on August 2, 2009 failed to deliver on its hype. Anticipating a clear new thesis which…

We Demand Justice!

Today Holocaust revisionism is illegal in eleven European countries. These include: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Switzerland. Holocaust revisionism is also illegal in Israel. Punishment under these repressive laws may range from months to as much as twenty years in prison. Several countries without specific Holocaust revisionist…

The Case of Bishop Williamson

On January 24th of this year news of Pope Benedict XVI lifting a ban of excommunication on four Bishops from the Society of St. Pius X was of little interest outside of certain segments of the Catholic Church. The Bishops were ordained by Marcel Lefebvre in 1988 without the authority of the Catholic Church ultimately…

Michael Shermer’s Ugly Critique of the “New Revisionism”

he current issue of Michael Shermer’s glossy newsstand magazine, Skeptic features his article “The New Revisionism: Would we be better off if Hitler had won?” Those familiar with Shermer and Skeptic recognize that while Shermer has covered topics such as Holocaust Revisionism, 9-11 theories, and Intelligent design, the magazine upholds only the orthodox view of…

The Holocaust: The New Founding Myth of American Society

The American public overwhelmingly accepts the basic tenets of the Holocaust. It is nearly incomprehensible to most people that there are some who are willing risk their life and liberty to revise or even deny the main pillars of the Holocaust story – the Six Million, the Hitler-ordered extermination of Jews, and the use of…

The Pope, Madonna, and Germar Rudolf

Europe has become a quagmire of political correctness. With so-many anti-hate speech laws on the books throughout the continent, it is becoming more and more difficult to simply express an opinion. These laws are now so prevalent, influencing nearly every aspect of political debate, it is more accurate to describe them as they really are,…

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