Crematories and Cremations

All – or at least almost all – the remains of the six million murdered Jews are said to have disappeared tracelessly by means of incinerating them in crematories or on pyres. Such cremations are technically more or less demanding and can thus be scrutinized.

Concentration Camp Majdanek

Amazingly, little scientific investigation has been directed toward the concentration camp Lublin-Majdanek in central Poland, even though orthodox Holocaust sources have claimed that between fifty thousand and over a million Jews were murdered there. Until the appearance of this present work, the only works on Majdanek available have been propaganda pieces written by historians serving…


In May 2009, the 89-year-old John Demjanjuk was deported from the United States to Germany, where he was arrested and charged with aiding and abetting murder in at least 27,900 cases. These murders were allegedly perpetrated at the Sobibór camp in eastern Poland. According to mainstream historiography 170,000 to 250,000 Jews were exterminated here in…

Bełżec – The dubious claims of Michael Tregenza

In 1999, an article by Tregenza entitled “Bełżec – Das vergessene Lager des Holocaust” (Bełżec – The Forgotten Camp of the Holocaust) was published in a German anthology of academic writing on the Holocaust.[1] This article was later critiqued by Italian revisionist researcher and writer Carlo Mattogno in his 2004 book on the Bełżec camp.[2]…

Alfred Wetzler and “The True Story of the Auschwitz Protocol”

1.Introduction 1.1. Wetzler and Vrba Slovak Jew Alfréd Wetzler (1918-1988), who was deported to Auschwitz Birkenau in 1942, can best be described as the unknown sidekick to Rudolf Vrba (Walter Rosenberg). Together the two Slovak-Jewish “death camp” escapees wrote the so-called Auschwitz Protocol or Vrba-Wetzler Report, which in 1944 was published in English translation by…

Sobibor Strangeness

Of the three so called Aktion Reinhardt “extermination camps” Sobibor near Wlodawa is the one least researched by revisionists. So far there has not been published any book length revisionist study on this camp. As for exterminationist scholarship, the most in-depth study is provided by Jules Schelvis’ Sobibor. A History of a Nazi Death Camp…

Rudolf Reder’s “Belzec”

In 2000, Polish historian M.M. Rubel published an annotated translation of Rudolf Reder’s witness account of his time as a prisoner in the alleged extermination camp Belzec, which is simply entitled Belzec. It was originally published as a 74-page booklet in Krakow, Poland, in 1946. This translation, published in volume 13 of the journal Polin:…

On Rudolf Höss’s alleged visit to Treblinka

In the following article, I will take a look at the details regarding Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss’ alleged visit to “the pure extermination camp" Treblinka II, as described in six witness accounts ascribed to the former commandant. The first of these six is the infamous “confession" document, NO-1210, a deposition written in German and signed…

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