
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

For the record… Some major mainstream revisions of WWII historiography

Since the end of the Second World War many facts and many legends have been built up surrounding the events or even “non-events” of that international conflict. Many stories which originated through the official and unofficial propaganda channels have become a part of the popular history of the war. From the time of the war…

Bomb Shelters in Birkenau: A Reappraisal

“In Memoriam!” Introduction A few years ago the argument began to emerge that the various gastight fixtures of the Birkenau crematoria were best explained in terms of protection against chemical warfare. The first exploration in this area was by Arthur R. Butz of Northwestern University, whose “Vergasungskeller” article of July 1996 argued that the basement…

Going After Pat Buchanan

The publication of Pat Buchanan's book, A Republic, Not an Empire, coming with Buchanan's departure from the Republican Party in order to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party, has created the opportunity for Buchanan's critics to come crawling out of the woodwork with the usual arguments concerning the supposed anti-Semitism and extremism of…

A Challenge from the USHMM

No other historical event enjoys the massive, separate commemoration on the national Mall in Washington that is accorded to the Holocaust, the catastrophe suffered by the European Jews during the Second World War. The authorities who created the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum have sought to exploit to the full, and beyond, this privileged location for…

How can this photograph be reconciled with revisionist theory on the Holocaust?

How can this photograph be reconciled with revisionist theory on the Holocaust? Two victims of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Photo was taken shortly after the liberation by U.S. troops. Date: April 14, 1945Location: Buchenwald,Credit: USHMM, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College ParkCopyright: Public Domain The photograph above taken shortly after the liberation of…

Response to J. McCarthy on NO-365, The Wetzel-Lohse Correspondence

February 7, 1999 Dear CODOH: Thank you for forwarding to me the response to my analysis of the Wetzel-Lohse correspondence in “The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes” as found on The Holocaust-History Project. I would make the following comments. The author of the piece accuses me of many errors, and furthermore, claims that these are…

Helicopters at Treblinka?

Dear AnswerMan, Both the 1971 and the 1996 edition of Michael Elkins' book *Forged in Fury* include a passage that describes the aftermath of the Aug. 2, 1943 uprising at the Treblinka concentration camp in Poland. Both editions describe the hunt for the Treblinka escapees—its Jewish inmates—in these terms: “For four days, the Germans prowled…

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