Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Is the Holocaust an Indisputable Fact As World Leaders Say?

On December 11 and 12 of 2006, a watershed event took place in this history of the Holocaust revisionist movement, that group of scholars, intellectuals and activists who claim there are lies and exaggerations in the traditional Jewish Holocaust story. The Islamic Republic of Iran hosted a two-day conference on the Holocaust, in which both…

Holocaust is West’s Last Taboo

TEHRAN, Dec. 18 (MNA) — Robert Faurisson is a revisionist scholar from France who attended the “Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision” conference in Tehran from December 11 to 12. Following is the text of an interview with Faurisson conducted by the Tehran Times at the daily’s offices on December 13. Q: What is your…

An Unusual Case of the Runs

I recently had an opportunity to speak person to person with an Auschwitz survivor… allow me to relate the circumstances: I was sitting with my son at a table in a patio which is surrounded by various shops and restaurants in Los Angeles. There are also two escalators ascending and descending to and from the…

Our Mission: To Disrupt the Global Slander and Help Build a More Honest World

I must express my thanks to those who have, with immense courage, made it possible to organise and hold such a conference as ours. This date of December 11-12, in this magnificent capital, could truly be a turning point in world history, I’m not afraid to say so; it marks the real beginning of the…

The Victories of Revisionism (Part 1)

Professor Faurisson recently appeared in court in Paris for having participated at the Tehran Holocaust conference. Then French President Jacques Chirac, upon hearing that the gathering was taking place, made an unprecedented request to the justice system to prosecute the négationniste Faurisson. The case finally came up on June 25, 2015, only to be adjourned…

Incitement to Hate?

The court document of the United States Court of Appeals in the case filed by Germar Rudolf (Scheerer) against his deportation contains an important point that needs examination.[1] The document provides the following background information: Scheerer, a native and citizen of Germany, fled his home in 1995 after he was convicted and sentenced to 14…

A Holocaust Revisionist Critique of the Thinking of Deborah Lipstadt

Preliminary Note: In the interest of fairness and accuracy, the following essay was emailed to Dr. Deborah Lipstadt prior to its publication on the CODOH web site. She was asked to identify any problems, errors, misinterpretations, falsities, etc. If need be, these would be eliminated or corrected. Paul Grubach and CODOH have no desire whatsoever…

Gaskeller: New Document Sheds Light on Irving’s Interpretation of Auschwitz

A document, long known and long sought by revisionists, was published in a brochure by a Holocaust memorial group in Germany in preparation to a public exhibition shortly before David Irving was arrested and imprisoned in Austria.  The document clearly supports the contention, made by Arthur Butz, and several others, including David Irving, that the…

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