Palestine/Middle East

The slow genocide against the Palestinians and the Western World’s aggressive anti-Arabism (and anti-Islamism) are indirect consequences of Holocaust propaganda. Papers listed in this section deal with this entanglement of flawed historiography and skewed politics, leading to catastrophic results worldwide.

Systematic murder of PoW’s and suspects by Israeli forces: the so-called “certification of death'

It has been known for a long time that under certain circumstances Israel was ordering its troops to murder the wounded enemy fighters and/or prisoners of war as a matter of policy. For example: the obvious fact (not noticed, however, by the American media) that during years of thousands of military operations in Lebanon involving…

In Our Hands

One isn't supposed to say this, but many people believe that Israel now holds the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in its hands. This is what is known as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. The odd thing is that it is held by many Israelis. In an essay reprinted in the…

Not Only Deir Yassin

The following article (3160 words!) was published in the Hebrew daily Ha'ir on 6 May 1992. It contains new revelations about war crimes committed by the Zionist forces in 1948 against Palestinian Arabs. There are a number of reasons why the publication of this information is important: It shows once more and through the pen…

Johnson’s conduct toward Israel approached treason

Iraq's attempted theft of krytrons, useful as nuclear triggering devices, is not unique. Four years ago Israel was reported to be obtaining krytrons illegally through a California company. Unlike the Iraqi operation, it wasn't front-page news in most of the country and was barely mentioned by network newscasts. Israel has long since become a nuclear…

Allies: Don't Let Our Soldiers Die!

Yes, says Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli secret agent. In a new book, By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad, Mr. Ostrovsky says the Israelis had advance notice of the suicide attack that killed 241 Marines in Beirut in October 1983 but withheld the information from the United States in the…

European History and the Arab World

I The text below [1] was intended to be the foreword to the Arabic edition of the book, “Historical Truth or Political Truth?”, scheduled to appear at the end of 1982. That publication project, and the translation into Arabic, was undertaken by a group of Lebanese militants, without the knowledge of the authors, except at…

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