
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

An American Professor Responds to a ‘Jewish Activist’

On Monday, January 31, 2000, American professor Kevin MacDonald took the stand at an expert witness in the London libel case of David Irving vs. Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books. (Irving, a prominent British historian, had sued Lipstadt, and her British publisher, for hostile statements made about him in her book, Denying the Holocaust. For…

The Myth of a ‘Land Without People for a People Without Land’

Immediately following its publication in late 1995, Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne (“The Founding Myths of Israeli Policy”), touched off a storm of controversy. Its octogenarian Communist-turned-Muslim author had taken aim at the historical legends cited for decades to justify Zionism and the Jewish state, including the most sacred of Jewish-Zionist icons, the…

Historical Myth Justifies Golan Heights Occupation

Israeli, Syrian and United States negotiators have recently been meeting to work out an agreement by which Israel will return to Syria the Golan Heights, a portion of territory seized by Israeli forces in 1967. According to Israeli diplomatic sources and Israeli newspaper reports (early January 2000), the Jewish state’s price for the turnover is…

Zionism and Anti-Semitism: A Strange Alliance Through History

Allan C. Brownfeld is a syndicated columnist and associate editor of the Lincoln Review, a journal published by the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, and editor of Issues, the quarterly journal of the American Council for Judaism. This article is reprinted from the July-August 1998 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs…

Jewish Power

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author, and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's (P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183). “Capitol Hill is 'In Our Hands'” is reprinted from the July-August 1996 issue of Capitol Hill Voice (P.O. Box One, Washington, DC 20044), a newsletter edited and published by Dale Crowley, Jr. “Judaism and…

Hilberg Denounces Jewish “Blackmail” Against Switzerland

For several years now, the World Jewish Congress and other major Jewish organizations have waged a fierce and much-publicized campaign to force Switzerland to pay millions to Jewish organizations and Holocaust survivors, to compensate for money allegedly deposited in Swiss banks by Jews who later perished during the Second World War, and for gold purchased…

Israel is Developing ‘Ethnic Bomb’ for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal

Israel is working on an “ethnically targeted” biological weapon that would kill or harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources cited in a front-page report in the London Sunday Times, November 15, 1998 (“Israel Planning ‘Ethnic’ Bomb as Saddam Caves In,” by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin). In developing…

‘We Hold the Real Power’

Most Russians have suffered terribly during the Yeltsin years. According to Harvard University scholar Graham Allison, who is also a former US assistant Secretary of Defense, ordinary Russians have experienced, on average, a 75 percent plunge in living standards since 1991 – almost twice the decline in Americans’ income during the Great Depression of the…

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