Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.

Letters to the Editor

8 October 1980 Dear Mr. Branton: [sic] Thank you for writing in response to People Weekly's 25 August issue article on Samuel Pisar. We are glad to have the opportunity to respond to your comments. Mr. Pisar's assertion regarding the existence of a gas chamber compound at Auschwitz is supported by reputable sources too numerous…


Dr. Howard Stein's letter of the 13th April (The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1981) honors him and (pace Signor Maiolini) adds to the intellectual caliber of the great debate. To Stein's “tu quoque” in regard to sociobiology and in defense of psychohistory, I must ruefully concede (to change the language employed) “touché.” I am…

Letters to the Editor

20 January 1981 Dear Lewis: I was quite fascinated by Dr. Howard Stein's article on Psychohistory in your Winter 1980 issue. There are two extremely valuable books devoted to this subject: A Psychohistory of Zionism by Jay Gonen (which Stein refers to) and The Israeli Women by Lesley Hazleton. Both books are reviewed in the…


THE HOLOCAUST AND ITS RELIGIOUS ROOTS It was good to read Dr. Charles Weber's article “The Six Million Thesis – Cui Bono?” in the Summer 1982 issue of The Journal of Historical Review. Dr. Weber's article does well to point out some of the concrete, practical reasons for the propagation and perpetuation of the holocaust…


MORE ON THE ROMANIAN JEWS In the last (Fall 1982) Journal of Historical Review, we ran in these columns a correspondence which attempted to clarify the losses of Romanian Jews during the war. We failed to include in that correspondence a final letter/circular by Dr. Andronescu without which the research data would appear to be…

Bombs on Britain

16 March 1981 PBS Television“The Blitz” Sirs: Rarely have I come across a television broadcast more vicious in intent and more warped in execution than your recent “Blitz on Britain.” As a survivor of the mass air raid executed against my native city of Prague, Bohemia, on the Christian Holy Day of Palm Sunday, 1945,…

Unanswered Correspondence

Christopher HitchensNew Statesman10 Great TurnstileLondon WCIV 7HJ England Dear Christopher Hitchens: 26 August 1980 If the New Statesman is not “part of Israel's media chorus” (NS 20 June 1980) then why is it that your paper refused to print letters from three distinguished Revisionist academics, after they were slandered in your tractate last November? Your…

A Note From The Editor

Few discussions of the specific topic “Roosevelt and the Origins of World War II” pay much attention to events before 1 September 1939. At most some preliminary words are uttered about the development of Roosevelt's thoughts and policy in the 1930s: his increasing concern, once the New Deal became firmly ensconced and especially after he…

Letters to the Editor

11 September 1980 Dear Mr. Brandon, As a reader of five to twenty-five books a year (almost none of which are to be found in public libraries), historical Revisionism is the brightest star on my horizon! It is indeed sickening to see what comes out of our so-called “educational” system, and downright revolting to discover…

Letters To The “New Statesman'

The following letters were mailed to the editor of the New Statesman, 10 Great Turnstile, London WC1V 7HJ, Great Britain, following the publication of an article attacking Revisionism on 2 November 1979, by Gitta Sereny. 18 November 1979 Dear Sir: In general Gitta Sereny's few substantive arguments (NS, 2 November) are answered in my book…

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