

Death at Katyn

This April, a tragic plane crash took the lives of Poland’s president, Lech Kaczyński and 95 others. The plane was taking them to Katyn Forest where the dignitaries were planning to commemorate the 70th anniversary of a war-time atrocity in which approximately 22,000 Polish Prisoners of War were shot and buried in secret mass graves….

The First Casualty

Ten years following the cessation of the First World War, Arthur Ponsonby, a member of British Parliament published his ground-breaking study, Falsehood in War-Time: Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations’ During the Great War. Ponsonby’s book begins with several quotes, the most well-remembered being “When war is declared, truth is the first…

How I Became a Revisionist

This is an initial exchange with a man who only recently contacted CODOH. Peter: Your contribution arrived here yesterday. It's a generous donation and very much appreciated. Sometimes, when I do not know the person well (or, as in our case, not at all) and he or she makes an initial contribution to the work,…


A More Accurate Picture May I congratulate you on the excellent Journal of Historical Review and your Institute's publications, which permit a free and more informed discussion of issues relating to the so-called “Holocaust.” Together with others publications, such as Dissecting the Holocaust (E. Gauss, ed.), a truer picture is slowly seeping through the filters…


Justice for JDL Victims President Bush has declared that the financial backers of all terrorist groups must be held accountable, with a $1 trillion lawsuit filed on that basis. Considering that in 1985 the FBI named the Jewish Defense League as the second most active terrorist group in the United States, anyone who contributed money…


More Letters I recently received the second volume of David Irving's Churchill series, which looks magnificent. I now have to find the time to do justice to it. Also, on the latest Journal, unless it's my imagination, the space made available for readers' letters seems to have been reduced significantly. If so, my input would…

From the Editor

This expanded issue of the Journal coincides with the sixtieth anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. As it goes to press, the same questions about Pearl Harbor – to what extent did U.S. policies invite the attack? how much did our government know in advance? – still swirl around the ruins of the World Trade…

From the Editor

This expanded issue of the Journal coincides with the sixtieth anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. As it goes to press, the same questions about Pearl Harbor – to what extent did U.S. policies invite the attack? how much did our government know in advance? – still swirl around the ruins of the World Trade…

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