

Gerhard Ittner: When Revisionists Are Called Terrorists

“The fight for freedom of speech cannot be fought within the confines of the dictatorship of today’s Germany; it has to be fought from abroad.”—Gerhard Ittner The way the courts in Germany behave with those who dare to express doubts and disagreement with the orthodox historical narrative of the Holocaust, including revisionists who do serious…

Roger Garaudy Convicted of “Revisionism,” Fined $40,000

As this issue of Smith’s Report was being readied for press, we received the news from Paris that Roger Garaudy was convicted on February 27 of violating France’s law against contesting the Holocaust story. The 83-year-old Frenchman, who had to contend with legal attacks from ten different Jewish associations as well as with the state…

Internet Roundup 1998

The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics … will examine one of the untruths which continues to wreak the most havoc after over half a century in today’s world, and not only in Israel: the myth of the 6 million Jews exterminated that has become a dogma justifying, sacralizing (as the very term “Holocaust” implies) all…

French Trial Unleashes Mideast Revolt against Holocaust Cult

The trial in Paris this January of French intellectual Roger Garaudy for authoring the Holocaust revisionist book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics has sparked an unprecedented explosion of support for revisionism across the Middle East. Political, intellectual, professional, labor and religious leaders, as well as ordinary citizens, have spoken out, demonstrated, and given their…

SR Bullet-in-Briefs

The previous issue of SR reported on the current legal ordeals of Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zuendel. There are these further developments: In Paris, the justices of France's Supreme Court of Appeals have responded to Professor Faurisson's petition that they consider whether the Loi Gayssot, which decrees that challenging the factuality of the “Holocaust” is…

Faurisson Trial Suspended

Yet another in the interminable round of prosecutions of Professor Robert Faurisson was suddenly halted on November 15 when Faurisson and his attorney, Eric Delcroix, challenged the constitutionality of France's repressive Loi Gayssot, which makes it a crime to dispute the historicity of the Nazi Holocaust. In an appeal that will be considered by France's…

French Communist Intellectual Prosecuted Because of Revisionist Writings

“Former communist Roger Garaudy converts to revisionism” [L'ancien communiste Roger Garaudy se convertit au révisonnisme]. Such was the headline bannering Christiane Chombeau's January 31st article in Le Monde last winter, one rich in meaning for those who had followed Roger Garaudy's meandering career as a French intellectual since the late 1950s. More than just a…

Poetic Justice (Bernard Lewis)

Bernard Lewis, Professor of Oriental studies at Princeton University, has been nailed by a French court for denying the “genocide” of—the Armenians. Last May when Professor Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, was to give a “fireside” talk to Northwestern University students, Lewis happened to be on campus to speak on…

Vincent Reynouard: 23 Years of Persecution

The chemical engineer and former math teacher Vincent Reynouard is a well-known French figure in the revisionist world. A very close friend and colleague of Professor Robert Faurisson, he calls the current “post-revisionists” Faurisson’s heirs. Born on February 18, 1969, in Boulogne-Billancour to wealthy parents (both his parents were physicians, and his father a mayor…

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