


Dr. Frederick Toben and his associates at the Adelaide Institute pulled off (it seems we revisionists always need to put it that way) a very successful conference in their home base of Adelaide, Australia August 7-9. The numerous revisionists able to attend in person, or who participated by telephone, or who were unable to attend…


Ingrid Weckert, author of Flashpoint, a probing revisionist study of the “Kristallnacht” affair, has just been convicted in Germany. Her crime? A literary comparison of the diaries of a wartime concentration camp inmate with those of a German soldier imprisoned by the American forces at Dachau after the war. Federal German judges have decreed that…


Recent issues of Vierteljahreshefte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung (Quarterly for Free Historical Research), the Belgian-published, German-language revisionist review that shines as one of the world's best, contain various articles under CODOH bylines: Samuel Crowell, on the technique and operation of German air-raid shelters during WWII (including his devastating critique of the Majdanek door offered as the…


The Last Ditch (TLD) is the name of a radical libertarian journal of which Joe Sobran once commented, “If this government cared about ideas, it would crack down on The Last Ditch. It could be called The Joy of Thinking.” In that regard, TLD has recently published a number of very thoughtful articles having to…


The ongoing Canadian witchhunt against the foremost exponent of Holocaust revisionism north of the border, Ernst Zuendel, turned even uglier as the numerous state and Jewish agencies ranged against him stooped to having Zuendel’s estranged wife, Irene, testify against him at hearings designed to muzzle Ernst and the U.S.-based, independently operated Zuendelsite of the World…

Revisionist Activities

Did you ever wonder what happened to Fred Leuchter after Errol Morris had done his documentary on him called Mr. Death? Those of our readers who have stayed on top of things will have noticed that Leuchter has been on the editorial advisory board of Inconvenient History for a quite a few years. Admittedly, this…

Willis Carto Loses (Again)!

Again, as repeatedly stated in previous issues of SR, we know that we should let sleeping dogs lie and not open up old wounds. If I had a chance, I wouldn't publish the following article. But we are in the business of posting the contents of all issues of Smith's Report for historical and archival…

Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

The latest issue of The Journal of Historical Review is a winner, featuring new research and new commentary from stellar JHR contributors from years past, plus encouraging news on Holocaust revisionism’s progress abroad Robert Faurisson with a new “primer” on Auschwitz, and his views on the Roger Garandy/Abbé Pierre affairs (see SR#’s 33, 36, &…

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