
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

The UNESCO Project

Bradley R. SmithPO Box 439016San Ysidro CA 92143Desk: 209 682 5327Cell: 619 203 3151Blog: http://bradleysmithsblog.blogspot.com September 2008 Dear Subscriber and Supporter: This fall—this month—I’m taking the most provocative question in Holocaust revisionism—my request for the name of one person, with proof, who was gassed at Auschwitz—to the world’s most important international forum, the United Nations,…

Help run my “Eisenhower” ad in student newspapers at universities around the country

Ask yourself, help those who work for the ADL ask themselves, where any of those charges are in the text of this ad. In truth, it resides only in the imaginations of those making the charges. In any event, why should any question about World War II and/or the Holocaust be considered “anti-Semitic?” The time…

The Irrational Vocabulary of the American Professorial Class with Regard to the Holocaust Question

Speech delivered at Tehran Holocaust Conference, 05 December 2006 Introduction Good afternoon (morning?). I'm very pleased to be here. Today I will suggest that the American professorial class uses an irrational vocabulary to respond to revisionist arguments questioning the orthodox Holocaust story. That the decision of the American professorial class to exploit this irrational vocabulary…

The “Holocaust” Ad: A Study in Hypocrisy

Editor’s Note: In the early 1990s, free-speech advocate Bradley Smith attempted to place a full-page ad explaining the Holocaust revisionist position in college newspapers throughout the United States. The ad was published by some papers at institutions of higher learning, and rejected by others. In response to this campaign, the following article was originally published…

I'm Willing to be Convinced I'm Wrong

I run ads in college newspapers encouraging students and professors alike to take seriously the great ideal of Western culture, intellectual freedom—even with regard to the Holocaust controversy. Because I argue for an open debate on the Holocaust you are told that I’m anti-Semitic; yet I invite Jews everywhere to join with me, in a…

Don't Tread on Me

Don't tread on me!” “Give me Liberty or give me Death!” “Live Free or Die!” Platitudes? Lip service to a cause? NO! These were the convictions of people who knew what was just and right and who were willing to die to ensure such justice and rights — who were willing to die for freedom…

Open Letter to John Silber, Chancellor of Boston University

Bradley R. SmithPO Box 439016San Diego CA 92143T & F [now invalid., ed.]E-mail: [now invalid, ed.]On the Web: (www.codoh.com) 20 September 2000 Chancellor John SilberOffice of the ChancellorBoston University147 Bay State Road Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Dear John: I have your Open Letter to Colleges and Universities in which you address some of the issues raised…

Warning: Column may be offensive

A lot of complaints to The Daily in the past week have not been about misquotes, errors or bad headlines, amazingly enough. Most regarded a full-page advertisement from Bradley R Smith that ran April 4, advocating open debate and free speech on the Holocaust. Others were about Bill Colwell's perspective Monday, which insisted that importing…

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