

Multi-Media “Liberators” Project Exposed as Fraud

Exposing historical and media fraud sometimes takes years or even decades. In the case of a recent heavily promoted and widely praised multi-media project – designed to promote the Holocaust story, condemn official racism against blacks in America during the Second World War, and encourage racial tolerance – debunking has come much more quickly. Liberators:…

Wiesenthal Re-Confirms: ‘No Extermination Camps on German Soil’

Simon Wiesenthal In a letter published in a January issue of The Stars and Stripes, a newspaper for US military service personnel, Simon Wiesenthal re-confirmed, in passing, that “there were no extermination camps on German soil” during the Second World War. He made the identical statement in a letter published in the April 1975 issue…

William Lindsey

William B. Lindsey – a good friend of the Institute for Historical Review and a member since 1983 of this Journal’s Editorial Advisory Committee – died on February 4. Dr. William Lindsey at the 1992 IHR Conference A native of Texas, Bill earned a bachelor of science degree from the University of Texas, and a…

Zionism and the Press in Australia: Two Views

While the press in Australia may be less inhibited than that of many other countries, journalists there – like their counterparts elsewhere – must still contend with considerable pressure from the Jewish-Zionist lobby. Recently, some prominent Australian journalists were invited by the quarterly journal Generation to discuss how that country’s media deals with issues of…

New Biography Assails Churchill’s War Record

“A Slaughterhouse for Sacred Cows” A new revisionist biography of Winston Churchill, which contends that Britain would be better off today if the wartime prime minister had made peace with Hitler, has touched off a furious debate about the legacy of Britain’s most revered 20th-century personality and other fundamental questions of the Second World War….

Otto-Ernst Remer Sentenced to 22 Months Imprisonment for Revisionist Publications

A German court has sentenced Otto-Ernst Remer, an 80-year-old retired army general, to 22 months imprisonment for publishing articles disputing wartime mass killings at Auschwitz in gas chambers. On October 22, 1992, a criminal court in Schweinfurt found Remer guilty of “popular incitement” and “incitement to racial hatred” because of allegedly anti-Jewish statements published in…

Roy Bullock: ADL Informant

Veteran subscribers with extraordinary memories may recognize the name of Roy Bullock from a brief item about him in the January 1987 issue of IHR Newsletter. It told readers that Bullock was a paid agent of the Zionist Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Bullock, the item went on, is paid to gather information for the…

A Powerful Indictment of America’s Failed Racial Policy

Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America, by Jared Taylor. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1992. Hardcover. 416 pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 0-88184-866-2. (Available from the IHR for $22.95, plus $2 shipping.) Charles Stanwood is the pen name of an educator who holds a Ph.D. in History. He has taught…

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