

Hunting Demjanjuk

In 1993, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that John Demjanjuk was not guilty in regard to the allegations that he was the notorious guard of Treblinka known as “Ivan the Terrible.” His United States citizenship was restored shortly thereafter. The Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations (OSI) has recently revived the 24-year old case by…

Open Letter to Deborah Lipstadt

Dear Dr. Lipstadt: I have just finished reading D.D. Guttenplan's The Holocaust on Trial. There is one passage in the book that really struck me. On page 209, Guttenplan wrote: “..it was hard not to feel queasy listening to Rampton quiz Irving about his attitude to 'intermarriage between the races'—on behalf of a defendant [Dr….

The Changing Definition of “Holocaust'

Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland, Jan T. Gross, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2001 Although erroneously charged with “denying” the Holocaust, revisionists have for years actually only sought to redefine “Holocaust.” In the standard historiography, “Holocaust” is defined as the systematic destruction of over six million European Jews by…

The Footman

Over the last year or so, a slogan created by the French Holocaust revisionist, Robert Faurisson has gotten some derisive coverage from those who disagree with him over the size and character of the Shoah. The slogan is “No Holes—No Holocaust.”[2] Those unfamiliar with details of the story of the gassings of Jews at Auschwitz…

The Plum Cake

Since the end of World War II a search has continued, and for many has ended with the quarry having eluded its hunters. Some believe what they seek never existed in physical form, but existed nonetheless. It is vitally important that it existed during the war though it has never been located by those chasing…

There’s Glory for You!

Recently John Sack and Michael Shermer have addressed the topic of Holocaust revisionism in mainstream publications, Sack in Esquire magazine and Shermer in his book, Denying History. Publicly, both Shermer and Sack are critical of revisionism. This is rather typical for those who want to be able to publish their works through major publishing houses….

Why Won't Deborah Lipstadt Debate the Holocaust Revisionists?

Holocaust historian and Jewish activist Deborah Lipstadt is a prominent and severe critic of Holocaust revisionism (or to use her terminology, “Holocaust denial”). As a result of the libel case brought before the High Court in London in the winter-spring of 2000 by David Irving against Lipstadt and her publisher, she and her book, Denying…

The Bully Persists

Who is Simon Wiesenthal? I ask because he seems to be a very busy man these days, or at least those working in his name are very busy. Every time I log on I seem to have email detailing something or other that Mr. Wiesenthal's Center is involved in. One would think that the namesake…

The Leaders of the Arab States should Quit their Silence on the Imposture of the “Holocaust”

Five introductory remarks: I do mean “the leaders”, and not: “the intellectuals, the academics, the journalists” some of whom have already expressed themselves on the matter; The word “Holocaust” (always to be placed in quotation marks) designates the triple myth of the alleged genocide of the Jews, the alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged…

Verdict on Jan Sehn

Concentration Camp Oswiecim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau) by Jan Sehn. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, 1961. Pp. 161, (2). With 42 illustrations black and white photographs, a number of facsimile letters and several plans, including a large folding map at the rear showing the location of camps in Germany and occupied countries. If one reads and examines Oswiecim-Brzezinka by Jan…

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